Whos in aphs room?

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Somebody opened the door and it wasn't Aphmau...

It was some dude with. Brown hair am green eyes. It was Laurance...

"Oh hey Zane." Laurance says while running a hand through his hair.

"Why are you here?" I ask him with a confused look.

"Oh, I was just at Aphmau's eating breakfast." Laurance says while smirking. "Why are YOU here?"

"It's nothing, it can wait." I say while stomping off.

I walk back to my car and drive back to my dorm. Once I'm there I take out the basket and bring it up to my room. Well I guess I lost Aphmau to... Laurance. I feel so heartbroken right now. From now on I won't fall in love ever again. But if I do this will happen. I don't want to go through this pain ever again. I just hope I can get over her fast... I walk up to my room with my basket still in my hand. As soon as I reach my room I open the door and then I put the basket down on the table and go to my room and then just plop down on the bed. I start crying and realize that my body feels numb. Is this how it feels to be heartbroken? After an hour I finally fall asleep and let the darkness take over... Just like my life now.

I woke up and went to the shower. I make it so it's warm once it's warm I jump in. I wash my hair and then after I wash it and then apply my soap. I wash out the soap once I'm done. I grab my toothbrush and my toothpaste. I put on the toothpaste and then I start brushing my teeth. I turn off the water and get out. I grab my towel and start brushing my teeth. I just realized I never got a roommate so the school will probably give me one soon or next year. I wonder who it would be. I check my schedule and right now I have P.E greaaaattttt! I grab my sweater which had my mask and put it on. I look in the mirror and see myself I'm wearing a striped sweater and dark jeans with my mask and my hair was just in it's usual hairstyle. Well good enough I guess I have no one to look good enough for. I grab my bag that has my binder with all my stuff. I put it on my back and start walking out the door. I open the door to see Garroth. I'm kind've surprised to see him here. Since he really doesn't make any time to see me... I also barely see Vylad around either. I think the only person who really cares about me is mom. It used to be Aphmau but I guess I should just stop hanging around her or something because I might see her with her new "boyfriend" wait.... Am I... Jealous? No I would never be jealous over her and somebody else. I mean I want her to be happy right? I'm thinking of these stupid things. Just like dad told me to not fall in love it just weakens you.

"Hellooooo, Zane you there?" Garroth says while waving his hand in my face. I shake my head out of my thoughts and look at him.

"Eh, sorry Garroth I just... Feel tired." I say to him hoping he doesn't notice I lied to him...

"Bad night rest?" Garroth says back to me. I nod to him. "Oh ok I hope tonight will be different and you get sleep, but right now let's get to our classes." He starts pulling me.

"Ok but, do you even know which class I have?" I ask him while stopping and putting my hands over my chest.

"Nope show me your schedule!" Garroth says while pulling a piece of paper out of my hand. It was my schedule obviously.

"Ok so that class is this way!" He says whole grabbing my hand and pulling me away.

I seriously feel embarrassed I'm guess a lot of people are like... Wow these people are sooo weird! I would never be friends with them.

I hope nobody is really paying attention I mean I wouldn't really care because I don't really need friends. But I don't think anybody really cares about me anyway. While I was thinking I noticed that we had come to a stop. I look and see that it's the class that I'm in.

"Thanks Garroth..." I say to him while giving him a smile that he can't see.

"Anytime baby brother!" He says while waving at me and walking away.

I walk into the class and all the eyes are on me. I feel really anxious right now... Like how do I look and I wonder what they're thinking about me? I walk towards the back avoided the stares. I put my bag down and look down at the desk. The the teacher says were writing notes so I grab out a pencil and a paper. We start writing the notes and at the end of class I put my stuff away and go to my next class.

(Time skip because I'm to lazy to write about what goes on in a class 😂)
After I finish all my classes I go to my room. Thankfully I avoided Aphmau all day. I mean I miss her and all but she never told me she had a boy friend. We tell eachother everything and she goes and does this to me. I take off my sweater and then I go to my room and fall backwards onto my bed. I grab out my phone and play some games. After 2 hours I finally feel tired so I put my phone into it's charger. I move the covers so I could get in and go to sleep. After a couple of minutes I finally fall asleep.

Once it's morning I get up and go to the kitchen and see someone I would never expect in my dorm room...

Zanemau ~ My Fat Little NuggetWhere stories live. Discover now