Chapter 17

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Aph's POV
"Hey Aphmau!" Sasha says to me.

"Um... Hi." I say really awkwardly.

"I'm not going to say who but all I'm saying is somebody likes you and if I tell you who he's totally gonna kill me now bye~" Sasha says while walking off and leaving me dumbstruck.

Somebody like, likes... Me (I feel so childish writing that haha...). I smile and then hand in the work I had just finished. (Ok who gives a poop she's childish now!) I walk back to my chair and then a few seconds after the second bell goes off. I give all my attention to the teacher.

I get bored during his lecture and start to doodle in my work. After awhile my full attention is into the drawing. I don't really know what I'm drawing so I might as well let my mind draw whatever I'm  thinking and let it all out I guess?

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