Chapter 3

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Zane's POV
I make my decision as I wrap my arms around her. I pull her closer to me as I feel her smile into the kiss as she wraps her arms around my neck.
Aphmau's POV
He kissed me back I can't believe it!!! Once we pulled away we decided we both wanted to watch my Little Horsies (I took this from other stories... It's the right show right?) I end up falling asleep half way through the episode but I guess but I am really tired.
Zane's POV
While we were watching My Little Horsies I guess that Aphmau must've fallen asleep so I took her to my room and I put her in my bed. While Aph was asleep I stare at her sleeping figure. I smile at the peacefulness she radiates. The cute little snores she makes while sleeping. While I was admiring her I end up falling asleep.

I wake up the next morning feeling alone. I look beside me and notice that Aphmau isn't beside me. I'm guessing she went home because Kawaii~Chan and Katelyn would be worried. I sigh thinking back to when we were hanging out yesterday and smile. Kawaii~Chan's POV
After Aphmau~Senpai left Katelyn has been acting spacey. I sigh as I try and knock on the door trying to convince her to leave her bedroom.
Katelyn's POV
I was sitting in my room listening to music when I hear Kawaii~Chan knocking on my door. I sigh as she keeps knocking on the door over and over again. I sigh as I finally give in and answer the door. I look at Kawaii~Chan annoyed that she interrupted me.

"What?" I say calmly.

"Umm, Kawaii~Chan was wondering if you saw Aphmau-Senpai at all today?" She says in her high pitched voice.

I flinch because of how loud she was. It was like she was yelling into my ears while I have a headache or something. I sigh as I should probably tell her the truth,

"Umm haven't seen her since she was at DQ with Zane." I say slamming the door in her face.
Kawaii~Chan's POV
I stand there shocked that she slammed the door in my face. I sigh as I finally got enough information as I need to find out where Aphmau-Senpai is she'll probably be home later tonight. I'll watch tv while I wait... I hear a knock on the door and since Katelyn is upstairs basically blasting music I should probably answer it.

I walk over and look out the peep-hole and notice Aphmau-Senpai. I squeal as I could finally question her about Zane-Kun! I unlock the door quickly as I pull Aphmau-Senpai in. I close the door as I pull Aphmau-Senpai to the couch.
Aphmau's POV
I went home and I knocked on the door because I forgot my key in my room. So I knocked and I was hoping that at least one of the girls would be home. I was hoping it was Katelyn because she won't question where I've been for a day. I knocked on the door and guess who opened the door? Kawaii~Chan. Kawaii~Chan questioned where I was and when I told her she squealed.

"I need to make a shipping shrine!" She says basically shouting.

"No need, we are just friends." I say before going upstairs in my room.

I plop into my bed and try and take a nap. After a couple of minutes I finally fall asleep.

I heard a knock on the door and then I wonder how long I've been asleep. I look at my phone and realize I've taken at least a two hour sleep. I finally get up and answer the door and see Kawaii~Chan. I mentally groan realizing she won't give up until she gets and explanation from me.

"I want to know everything that happened yesterday." She says sternly.

Kawaii~Chan walks in and shuts and locks the door. I sigh as I think 'there's definitely no way out now'. So I decide I should explain so I start to explain about what happened yesterday not missing any information. After Kawaii~Chan looked kind've happy.

"Aww you guys would be adorable together!" She squeals. (It was so confusing in this story because she was shipping them and then she wasn't so I changed it so she didn't change her mind like half way through.)
(Text Message)
Aphmau: hey Zane! :)
Zane: hey Aphmau why are you messaging me?
Aphmau: I just wanted to warn you that I told Kawaii~Chan about Yesterday and she's going to your house and she's gonna get all fangirl-ish on you
Zane: wow thanks for telling Kawaii~Chan XD
Aphmau: your welcome but that's all I wanted to text you about byeeeee!!! P.S good luck with Kawaii~Chan!
(Text Ends)
Kawaii~Chan's POV
I walk towards Zane-Kun's house basically skipping the while way there. Once I'm there I knock on the door repeatedly. I hear some shuffling and Zane-Kun opens the door. I smile widely as I scream things that don't even make sense because I was so excited (makes no sense tbh). I try and calm myself down before talking to him.

"You and Aphmau-Senpai spent the night together!!" I squeal as I finally make sense to Zane-Kun.

"I could only understand the last bit the rest seriously sounds like a pig." He says rolling his eyes obviously annoyed.

"I know, I know but OH MY GODDDDDD!!!" She says doing the fangirl thing she always does.
Zane's POV
Ive finally had enough with Kawaii~Chan and her fan girl thing. I sigh and slam the door in her face as I sit back down on the couch.

I hear more knocks as I think if I should ignore it and let her break down the door or open it and keep my door. I ponder for a but before I decide I should just keep my door. I walk over to the door again and open it before I'm dragged to the couch again. I quickly close my door not wanting anyone else coming.

"Aphmau-Senpai is coming over I just texted." She says excitedly.

I sigh as I don't know what Kawaii~Chan's next move is. I hear a soft knock on the door and realize it's probably Aph. I look at Kawaii~Chan since she should answer it. Once she goes to answer it I try and sneak away.

I feel a tug on my sweater pulling me back onto the couch.

"Nope, you're not leaving just yet." She says evilly. "Okay, so now you guys get a shipping shrine I have my painter painting all my pictures all ready!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa when did I agree to this??" I ask curiously.

"You never did." She says.

"Wait, wait! No shipping shrines of us!" Aphmau yells.

"Fineeeee." Kawaii~Chan agrees.

My eyes widen in surprise from how quickly she agreed to her. I don't know how Aph did that but I'm fine with it. I smile slightly.
Kawaii~Chan's POV
What they don't know us that I never agreed to Aphmau. They're being fooled hah.

"Okay well, I'll leave you guys alone now! Byeee!" She says enthusiastically.

As I close the door I mumble to myself 'they'll never find where my new shipping shrine is... Well maybe since it's in my closet...'

Hey guys! I kind've changed this... Like a lot. It's still the same like the end I guess. I added some stuff got rid of some stuff it's better! 👍 anywayssss hope you guys enjoyed!

Byeeeeee 💕

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