Chapter 18

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Zane's POV
There's no way she's gonna be my friend after this... There is no way in hell. I groan and put my head in my hands. I run a hand through my hair. God damn Sasha I'll make her life a living hell if she freakin' told Aphmau! I look up and see a couple people looking at me. I growl and then they whip their head around quickly not wanting to be on my bad side. Yes, I am so lonely everyone think I'm one of those badbutts (I'm trying so hard not to swear but should I just for this book? 😂😂😂), lonely, freaks, and all emo. I mean I think I'm pretty nice to people who try to be my friend. I emphasized try because if they want to be my friend atleast make it seem like you want to be my friend! I look down at my book and start reading the pages the teacher told me to read.
After school...
I look up and see Aph leaning on the wall looking confused. Maybe I could try and see if she knows? Maybe Sasha didn't tell her if not she's my new victim to ruin her life and make her life hell. I start walking up to her and she looks relieved mixed with confusion.

"Why weren't you at school last week?" She asks me looking mad a little.

"I got a little sick and dizzy so yeah..." I say to her with a sad smile.

"Oh ok, umm Sasha told me somebody like, likes me and I'm wondering who the hell would like me?" She says while pouting  and looking cute. I poke her cheek and she pouts even more.

"Maybe they like you for you or it's for looks too. I mean people these days are butts (just change it to the "a" word kk? 😂) these days..." I say to her hugging her. She instantly wraps her arms around my skinny body.

"Why have you gotten so skinny, Zane?" She asks me. I shrug.

"I haven't been hungry lately." I say while smiling weakly at her again. Then after that everything goes black.

The last thing I hear is Aphmau screaming my name while I'm laying on the floor...

Zanemau ~ My Fat Little NuggetWhere stories live. Discover now