Canada X Tsundere! Reader: He Loves Me? {Fluff} / Important Note

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Yo! So, my 50th update is really soon! Yay! ANYWAYS! Since I love you all sooooo much, I'm giving you a choice. You guys get to decide what my 50th update'll be! You can just comment requests, and the first one that really interests me will end up being the 50th update! It doesn't need to be oneshots either, it could be, like, NSFW Headcanons for example. Things like that! Of course, I will do all the requests I get at some point, it just won't be the anniversary. So, just send in requests. Any at all, no need to be shy!

Anyways, I hope you enjoy being a Tsundere little shit today!


A scowl on your face, you sink lower into your chair, eyes scanning the people around you.

You hate them all... they're so loud, and obnoxious, and annoying... I mean, they're completely ignoring you... not like you care though.

They're all dumb brutes. Your eyes land on someone across the room, a small grin crossing your lips. He's in the same boat as you, hiding in a corner, looking nervous and slightly sad...

You can't help but feel rather prideful, knowing that you're not the only one being completely disregarded.

Your eyes fall back to your feet, and you swirl the red plastic cup, watching the vile, pale, almost translucent yellow liquid swish around inside. You don't drink hard liquor... nor do you drink normal liquor, but it is a 'special' occasion.

Personally, you think anything involving Alfred is the farthest thing from special.

Pouting, you cross your legs, tugging uncomfortably at the edges of the jumper you'd been forced to wear... by none other than fucking Alfred. He claimed that someone who's 'totally into you and junk', was going to be at his stupid party...

Not like you care though... you only went because you didn't have anything better to do... you glance back up at the young man on the other side of the room, getting the feeling that you know him.

Your eyes narrow, head tilted to the side. Blonde... small... shy... It finally clicks, and you slap a hand against your forehead.

Good God you're oblivious! It's fucking Matthew! You slap yourself again, ignoring the looks you're given from people around you.

How in the world could you not recognize him? He's always been really sweet and gently, quick to spare a kind word or two. He's almost always nice to you, and he's almost always there when you need him... Matthew's a great guy...

Shaking your head, you try and force back the hot blush burning your cheeks. You turn your gaze back to the ground, clenching the plastic cup tightly. Oh no, even if there really is someone in this godforsaken house who's into you, it so isn't Matthew.

You grit your teeth in annoyance, clenching the cup even tighter.

A sudden shriek leaves you as the red plastic cracks along the edges and bottom, before snapping completely and flooding over your legs and the front of your jumper, the white fabric going clear.

Cursing violently, you stumble to your feet, letting the shattered remains of plastic fall to the floor as you rub down your clothes, another loud cry escaping you.

Before you can even blink, Matthew's on his feet and hurrying towards you, a worried look in his pretty violet eyes. You feel your blush surge back up again, making you snarl in annoyance.

"Leave me the fuck alone!" Matthew freezes, mouth opening as if to say something, but before he can summon the courage to spit the words out, your back is turned and you're hurrying to the nearest bathroom.

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