Belarus X Reader: Issues {Fluff}

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Yaaay! A Yuri one! If you don't like Yuri, fight me because I love Natalya, and nothing is going to stop me from writing a fanfiction with her. I put my underwear on inside out and backwards today... how even do you do that? Anyways, enjoy!

OH! If I were to make a Final Destination/Hetalia crossover, would anybody read it? I really wanna make one, but I dunno if Final Destination is really a thing with people my age at the moment, but I really enjoy them and I feel like it would be a terrible thing to do to make the characters we love die in ironic, gory ways!


You can't help but laugh slightly at the odd scene before you.

You'd been invited to your first world meeting as a secondary personification of (c/n), which is pretty rare... Most countries only get one representative, but for some reason, yours has two.

Anyways, let's get back on track, shall we?

You'd walked into the meeting room, and the very first thing that caught your eye was a very terrified looking Russia (whom you've met on several occasions), trying to hide from a pretty blonde haired nation.

You don't really know her personally, nor do you know what nation she is, but you do know she's one of his sisters.

Deciding to stay out of their buisness, you look around the large room. There is way too much going on.

Poland and Lithuania and near the left side of the room making out (Japan fangirling and taking pictures while Greece clings to him), England and France are fighting, America's picking on Canada (you're actually surprised he's being noticed today), and Norway and Iceland are arguing, with Denmark hovering around them. Kind of like a huge, annoying, fly.

You smile a bit as you watch everybody do their normal, weird ass stuff.

It makes you happy watching your friends... because that so doesn't sound creepy...

Your relatively peaceful moment is broken by a certain somebody screeching your name and running head first into you, knocking you both to the ground.

You fall on your ass, staring at the floor with blank shock.

When you finally jolt yourself back to the present, you notice a very large person clinging to your back.

"Sorry sunflower, but Belarus is doing the scaring, da?"

You squeal internally as the big Russian man looks at you with watery eyes.

A shadow falls over the both of you, making Russia shiver and try and hide behind you.

Giggling, you look up at the tall woman in front of you, who's giving Russia a rape face smile.

With a sigh, you manage to struggle to your feet (an awardable feat, considering the huge man practically hanging off of you).

The blonde speaks up, rape smile not leaving.

"Give me big brother Russia..."

You shiver slightly. She's definatly an odd woman, and very pretty. You see the resemblance between her, Ukraine and Russia. They're all oddly pretty...

You shake your head, giving her a perky smile. Her sole response is her grin fading into a frown, and the creep aura intensifying.

You still don't back down, lifting your chin in defiance as you stare her in the eyes.

"If I'm right, you're Russia's weird sister. The one with the creepy obsession!"

She scowls, narrowing her eyes at you. A small staring contest goes on before she nods, wrinkling her nose at you.

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