Conscience! Switzerland X Reader: Lost In Darkness

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I'm actually proud of this one, so I'm hoping that all of you fuck-heads who read but don't ever show any appreciation, or who skip certain stories because it's not a lemon actually stop and read this one, or fucking comment or something! I quite enjoy the plot, and might make it an actual story. I'll find a fandom to do it for.

Song: Lost In Darkness by Escape The Fate


She hears a moan at the top of the stairs,
But she don't move a finger, she just minds her buisness.
"I swear these walls have been talking to me,"
She says "cus all I hear are the devil's wishes..."
She feels his breath down her skin and bone...

You've always thought of yourself as a relatively normal person. You never had any weird obsessions, kinks... you were a B average student, not smart but not dumb, and you had a small job working behind a desk at the local mall. Nothing too big or important. Perfect for you.

You didn't hate your life. In fact, you enjoyed it. It was the perfect single life, working all day, going home to your cat and your lizard (the most abnormal thing in your life), and settling down with a small meal or takeout for the night.

So that's why you don't understand...

The first time the voice started bugging you was at work... it wasn't the easiest day you'd had there, but it wasn't the worst either.

A woman had been yelling at you about how the repairs were badly timed, and how they weren't finishing fast enough... you'd tried to explain, but the stupid soccer mom just wouldn't listen.

You'd always hated women like that, who'll scream at workers over nothing, when their whole lives had been spent sitting on a couch as others do the work, either collecting wellfare, child tax and child support, or forcing some poor man into marriage and making the rest of his life miserable with their constant complaining.

Yeah... you're bitter towards soccer mom's... but it's your job to be respectful, so you put up with it calmly. You've always been good at keeping your calm...

Anyways, out of nowhere, this voice... one you've never heard anywhere, calm, deep and heavily accented, slides into your head...

It was so inviting. You wanted to do everything it told you to...

'Come on (y/n), surely you don't deserve to put up with this... I know you can do it. Just grab that paperweight and bash it into her face. She definitely deserves it.'

You'd actually considered following the instructions, your hand had inched towards the cat shaped paperweight... but you stopped yourself.

'Do it...' The voice had echoed through your head, making you feel true terror for the first time in your life. You wanted so badly to bash the woman's face in, to beat her face to a pulp...

'Do it now you stupid whore!' Whimpering, you'd stumbled from your seat, telling the woman you'd have someone out to talk with her shortly...

As you made your way to your bosses office, you heard the woman yelling at you... but it was drowned out by the cruel words and laughter, that beautiful voice leaving you terrified as threats on your life blasted through your scull.

You started seeing a man around you after that... only in your house at first.

Staring at you from the top of a staircase, hovering just behind doors or corners... his very essence, it felt like it was consuming you.

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