Romano X Reader: Kisses {Lemon} {Last Part}

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POV change is still ▪▪▪

The picture is for Kya-Chan because I have no way to send it to her. As the title says, this is the last one, and I hope you enjoy it! <3 (I know Roma's human name is Lovino, but I don't like using that... so.)


"Oh fuck you Romano! God, it's like every year you get even more overprotective! It's unsufferable!"

You can clearly see the hurt on his face, but it's soon replaced with anger.

It makes sense that pain turned to rage, anger is a secondary emotion; meaning it always starts as something else. In Roma's case, it usually starts with pain...

"It's not my fault I can't trust you around other guys!"

Oh, that set you off... 5 years of dating, where you have never done anything unfaithful, and he still doesn't trust you!

"That's rich! I haven't done shit, but what whore are you off fucking those nights you're 'working late'?! I'm not an idiot you know!"

Romano scoffs, narrowing his eyes at you.

"Could've fooled me!"

The next moment, your body's acting on its own, striking the Italien across the face, in a quick, sharp movement.

There's silence as Roma stares at you, mouth hanging open in shock.

That lasts for a few seconds, but suddenly, he flares red, snarling at you as he storms by, walking to the door.


The door slams without a response from the man.

Your knees give out from underneath you, forcing you to collapse in a fit of tears.

This relationship's been going down in flames for the past year... but tonight... god, this was by far the worst argument! You can't even remember what started it...


Romano curses heavily as he storms down the street, face burning from the violent slap.

He left, simply because he didn't wanna hurt you... if he'd stayed in that house, he would've ended up hitting you back, sending any last hope for the relationship flying through the night.

Roma sighs in annoyance as his cell starts buzzing in his pocket.

Without looking at the caller I.D, he answers... something he may, or may not, regret later.


Your sobs die out, and you climb back up on weak legs, making your way slowly to the bedroom... it's most likely that Romano won't be coming home tonight.

Even if he does... he won't come up. He'll sleep on the couch, and avoid you for a few days.

Then, another fight will come up. It's a violent cycle that will keep on repeating itself until one of you breaks it... and that's not gonna happen.

You sigh deeply, collapsing on Roma's side of the bed, curling into his pillow.

It smells like him... if he left for good, you'd never be able to get over it...


Romano hears Antonio laughing at his babbling, Gilbert and Francis joining in as well, but he really couldn't care less.

It's been a few hours since he stormed out of the house, and a few hours since the tomato bastard had convinced him to go drinking with his friends and him...

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