Yandere! 2p! England X Reader: Pretty In Red

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MMMMWHATCHA SAAAAAAAY! LOOK AT MY BBY OLIVER! HE'S SO PRECIOUS, I ADORE HIM! My number one issue is that I like the 2p's more than the 1p's. Crap. Btw, I was writing a Lemon for 2p Murica, but I couldn't finish it...
ALSO! If I don't specify age, you're in early twenties. Just so ya know.


You don't really know when it started but as of late, you've noticed you have an admirer... well, more like a stalker. The man is oddly attractive, vibrant pink hair, bright blue eyes, and a completely terrible sense of fashion.

He has a... different, aura around him. Something in his eyes. Just glancing at him, you'd never see anything too weird with him, but actually examining him, his eyes... They have a creepy, dangerous look to them...

Staring dreamily out of the café window, you don't notice the perky male figure approaching. Too bad for you.

A small shriek escapes your lips, and your heart flips violently as his slides gracefully into the booth across from you. With a charming smile, he extends his hand, willing you to shake it.

The look in his eyes has you hesitant, but you slowly take his hand in your own, a small blush gracing your features.

"Hello poppet! The name's Oliver! And you are?"

The way he purrs the question with his silky, accented voice makes you think he already knows the answer, only asking to humor you.

"(Y/n). It's... nice to meet you Oliver."

Managing a weak smile, you turn your attention back to the window, watching as a crow stops in a tree right out side. It crows, just loud enough that you can hear it through the window. It's beady black eyes glance between you and Oliver, before crowing loudly again and fluttering off.

The pink haired male clears his throat jolting your attention back to him.

"Ms. (Y/n), could I buy you tea, or a cupcake?"

His sweet smile makes you sigh inwardly.

Sometimes instincts are wrong, right? (No, left. Bad pun, sorry.)

"Sure... if you'd like too."

He smiles again, and jumps up happily.

The pink haired man saunters through the mostly empty café, talking to the large Russian man behind the counter.

You continue to observe the peppy male, watching his every movement. If he slips something into your tea, you'll know.

The man at the counter frowns, shaking his head. Oliver frowns, his eyes narrowed as he says something that seems to scare the dark haired Russian.

Moments later, Oliver's being handed a small plate with a miniature cake on it, and a mug of tea.

The pink haired males smile returns as he skips back to you, surprisingly not spilling the hot beverage.

"Here you are poppet!"

You smile, staring at the cake and tea suspiciously.

"What were you and Viktor arguing over?"

Eyes widening a bit, Oliver tilts his head.

"Huh, I didn't know you knew Viktor. Anyways, it seems he fancies you and doesn't want me talking to you."

With a small, casual shrug, he picks up the cupcake and splits in half, handing you one part of it.

"They're really good, try it poppet!"

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