Bad Touch Trio X Reader: Make It Work {Part Two}

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Part two to the BTT X Reader I did a while back I guess. Apparently it's someone's favorite oneshot I've ever done... so here we are...

I'm going to bring up a Polyamourus relationship, so if you're uncomfortable with that, oh well.


Happy, albeit drunken, laughter fills the small living room as you're spun around.

Everything around you seems to blur, before you crashing into a chest bringing both you and the laughing albino you'd run into to the floor.

Before you can really react, Gilbert's arms wrap themselves around you, making Francis and Antonio chuckle, quickly leaving the both of you alone. They go back to the kitchen table that's littered with liquor, talking in hushed tones.

Your heart flutters lightly as Gilbert's hands rest themselves hesitantly on your hips, his cocky grin faltering for a few seconds.

"Kesesesese~!" The grin quickly flickers back to life, but it's a lot sweeter than usual. He moves into a sitting position, so you're sitting directly on his lap, a bewildered look on your face. "I knew jou vouldn't be able to resist my awesome!"

He laughs loudly, hugging you gently.

Yes, yes, you're used to their kindness nowadays, but this... this seems, like, alot different.

You blush lightly, hugging the white haired man back. "You wish, I don't think anyone could fall for you, goof." You poke him gently, making him laugh again as he moves a hand up to cup your face.

His sweet grin makes your heart melt, eyes widening a little. He moves a bit closer to you, his lips brushing gently against your own.

As he leans in a little closer to kiss you, you're yanked from Gilbert's lap and against someone else's chest.

With a small yelp, you look up at the person holding you, your blush growing even more.

For the first time since you've known him, Antonio looks completely serious, his eyes dark with annoyance.

"Please... how about we don't touch the chica, Gilbert... we already talked about this."

From the corner of your eye, you see the albino man wince, a guilty look overcoming his face as he gets to his feet, nodding. "Ja... I know Toni. I just forgot for a minute."

Confused, you wiggle a bit in Antonio's grip in an attempt to get away... or to get to Francis.

With a sigh, the blonde gets up from his chair, striding over to you and the two others. He too looks serious, but still content.

He squeezes Gilbert's shoulder in an attempt to comfort the seemingly upset man, before gently prying Toni's arms away from you.

"Thanks Francis..." With a weak grin, you pull away from Antonio to stand inbetween the three. You can't help but feel worried as the all glance rather grimly at one another.

"Should ve tell zhe frau?" Gilbert pipes up first, talking as if you're not there.

Francis immediately nods. "Oui, I think it's her right to know."

Antonio quickly agrees, which annoys you slightly. You know, considering you are right there, and yet they act as if you're invisible.

"Can you guys, like, not ignore me?" You regret speaking up, as three pairs of eyes turn to you, each one completely serious.

"(Y/n)... mon amour, we need to talk..." Francis starts, trailing off at the end. "Ve'd appreciate if jou didn't deny us..." Gilbert starts up, falling silent as he glances over at Antonio, who in turn gives you a gentle smile. "But it is completely your choice chica. I just hope you won't hurt us too bad!"

He chuckles lightly, but his smile seems a bit too tense. All three seem hesitant to continue.

"Jou do understand zhat ve love you, ja?" You blush, but nod.

"Yeah, I understand. I love you guys too." Smiling gently, you wince as they seem to deflate a little.

"Nein... liebe, I don't think jou understand... ve love you..." He trails off again as he trys to find the appropriate word. Francis cuts in, his voice shaking.

"Romantically, mon amour... we love you romantically."

You roll your eyes, arms crossing over your chest in annoyance. "Well duh. What, do you think I'm dumb?"

It's the trios turn to be confused, glancing at each other in unison. "V.... vhat?"

A light giggle escapes your lips as you pull all three into a group hug, humming happily. "You guys are dumbasses... I love all three of you. Romantically."

They seem a bit shocked, standing stiffly in your grip. Antonio's the first to break the wall of confusion, hugging you back tightly.

"Mi corazón...." He laughs into your shoulder, squeezing you almost desperately as the other two join in the hug. You can feel the joy radiating from them, making you giggle again.

"Ve'll figure this all out, ja dudes? Ve can make zhis work!" Gilbert grins brightly, pulling out of the hug and jumping around, his excitement getting the better of him.

Francis and Antonio laugh, pulling away from the hug to watch Gilbert. It makes you happy, seeing how quickly all the tension left the small apartment.

Francis smiles down at you, rustling your hair gently.

"Yeah... you're right Gil, we'll make it work."

While Gilbert bounces and yells in garbled, German mixed English, Francis and Antonio run over to him and join into what you think is a conversation. The mixed languages makes it a bit hard to tell.

You watch the three dorks with loving eyes, a small grin on your face.

These idiots... once you get used to them, you can't help but fall in love with them.


Whoooops, that sucked. Sorry to have ruined another request, love!

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