2p! England X Reader: Just Don't {Fluff}

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Because Ollie's singing is fanonically terrible, so fight me.
Oh my god, the beginning of season six of Supernatural is killing me! I already know Dean's girlfriend is gonna die, I mean, no way the shows gonna let a character live in happiness. AND OMFG DEAN IS THE BEST DADDY EVER! GAAAH!


The worst thing about dating your almost perfect boyfriend, is when he bakes.

It puts you in the worst of dilemmas, each and every time.

On one hand, you know he's making something amazing, like his famous cupcakes, or brownies... but on the other hand... he sings while baking...

That'd be fine and dandy if he was just normal bad, but he's, like, bad bad!

His singing can send the strongest of men running, ears bleeding. That's only a slight exaggeration.

You love him... so you can't get up the guts to tell him how terrible he is... you really don't wanna hurt his feelings... he's such a fragile man.

Besides... it's cute watching him get so proud when he's finished.

You hear the front door open, making you squeal and run out to the front hall.

"Ollie!" You jump into his arms, making him chuckle happily, dropping his bags to the floor.

"Hello Poppet, you know I wasn't gone that long, right?" He hums lightly, nuzzling your hair.

Pouting, you stand up on your toes, kissing him a few times.

"Still... I miss you when you're gone!" Grinning, you cup his face, leaning up and kissing him again.

Sighing happily, Oliver pulls you closer and lays his head on your shoulder.

"I bought the stuff to make cupcakes." Your eyes widen, and you force a smile on your face.

"That's great babe!" You laugh nervously... something he surprisingly doesn't pick up on.

He nods excitedly, pulling out of the hug and grabbing his bags and dragging you after him.

"Can you make the frosting poppet?" His eyes light up with childlike joy, making you nod almost entirely against your will.

He squeals in joy, giving you a quick squeeze before pulling everything out of the paper bags.

Your heart flutters at his happiness, but you still feel upset over the fact that you have to deal with his fucking singing.

He moves the icing ingredients over to you, butter, icing sugar, milk and food coloring. Grinning happily, his pulls out his own ingredients.

Your heart melts a little more as his bright blue eyes light up even more than usual.

Then the singing starts...

You wince as you start putting the butter in the blender, trying as hard as you can to block out the tone-deaf music. Sadly, impossible.

Your head starts to ache at the constant screeching.

'Butter... sugar... more butter... sugar again... milk... food colouring...'

Slamming the off button on the mixer, you rub your temples.

You turn to Oliver, eyebrow raised. He's practically beaming with happiness, mixing the... Rainbow coloured batter? How does he even do this shit?

You twitch, head pounding as he hits a particularly high note.

Grabbing his shoulders, you turn the shocked man towards you.

"Just don't Ollie!" You kiss him roughly, running a hand through his soft, pink hair.

Even through his obvious confusion, he pulls you closer, making the kiss deeper. His tongue slips past your lips, curling up with yours.

You moan lightly into his mouth as he squeezes your ass, picking you up and setting you on the counter.

You're both reluctant to pull out of the kiss, hands traveling each other's bodies.

Pulling back slowly, he nips at your lips a few times, before breaking it off completely.

"What in the world was that all about?"

Grinning, you kiss him once more.

"I love you and all, but your singing fucking sucks." Pouting he sticks his tongue out at you, before a tiny smile crosses his face.

"Dollar in the swear jar."


I don't know. I found the idea cute, sue me.

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