RoChu: Drunk {Lemon}

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ROCHU LEMON ARU! Sorry, me and my friend were just sending over excited Aru's back and forth to each other for like ten minutes. So. ALSO, MY DAD'S HOOOME! HE WAS GONE FOR TWO MOTHERFUCKING WEEKS AND I WAS ALL ALONE AND NOW HE'S BACK AND I'M SO FREAKING HAPPY!



Groaning, Yao face palms as Russia runs into yet another wall.

This is the third time the drunken man has gotten up to bug Yao. Since Yao is such a great person, he's taking care of his Allie after the idiot had gotten shit faced drunk. He totally wasn't forced by everyone else, pssh, why would you think that?

Yao holds in a laugh as Ivan stumbles, looking around in confusion.

"Where is my room?"

A small snort escapes China, and he grabs the big Russian by the arm, dragging him to his room, helping him into bed, again.

"Now, it's time to go to sleep, aru."

Nodding, Russia smiles happily at Yao... at least until Yao goes to leave.

As soon as Yao's foot is out the bedroom door, Ivan whines and throws himself at the man, holding him by the waist.

A large screech leaves China as his face lights up, the Russian man's face burying itself in his hair.

"Don't be doing the leaving! I want you to be staying..."

Before China can really react, he's dragged to the bed, Russia laying down, his hand around the smaller man's wrist.

Yao stands at the edge of the bed, looking traumatized. He hesitantly lays down, screeching again as Ivan pulls him close, cuddling into his chest.

This is complete and utter blasphemy! Adding in the fact that stupid Russia's  laying in his scarf and boxers... shit...

Yao wriggles in an attempt to get away, to no prevail. He's stuck in Ivan's arms, and there's nothing he can do about it.

Pouting, he slumps against Russia, muttering agitated words in Chinese. It doesn't seem to bother the big man holding him.

After about ten minutes of uncomfortable holding, Ivan starts squirming, small whimpers escaping his mouth.

Yao looks at the Russian, confused as hell. Soon, the blonde looks up at him, annoyance radiating from his every feature.

"Yao, make the hurting stop." Ivan groans uncomfortably as the words leave his mouth, blushing lightly.

"Aru! What are you talking about!?" Yao wriggles again, trying to get away, but as he does he realizes what Ivan was talking about. What... hurt.

Squeaking, he tries harder to get away, only to be stopped by Ivan's intense gaze.

China's heart flutters desperately in his chest as Russia's beautiful violet eyes beg him to help.

"Please Yao..."

Sighing deeply, the brunette pushes away his nerves and his strong feelings, helping the blonde onto his back.

"Just... don't move, okay, aru?" Russia nods quickly, his drunken state not really processing how wrong this situation is...

A small, nervous gasp of air pushes from Yao's lips, before he slides down under the sheets, pulling Russia's boxers with him.

His eyes widen a bit, a small squeak leaving his mouth. Biting his lip, he stares at the huge member in front of him, lust replacing his nerves.

Sighing again, the small Asian country wraps his lips around the crown of Ivan's cock, wincing as the man moans, bucking a bit.

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