Teen! Romano X Teen! Reader: Kisses {Fluff} {Part Two}

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Wow... I just got around to finishing Black Butler: Book of Circus and holy fuck, the feels.... the feels everywhere (I still can't believe he killed Doll, like she was so nice to him and he just... fuck...) Anyways, enjoy! Oh, POV change is ▪▪▪


Romano stares at Arthur in envy as he walks by, arm linked with yours.

Everyone knows you and the brit have been dating for about... three years now, since the beginning of 8th grade, but the feisty Italian still gets angry everytime he sees you with the stupid bastard...

You and Roma had parted ways 6th grade, when everything first started splitting into cliques. You were smart and pretty, so you were whisked off in the wonder's of popularity...

And Roma... well... he wasn't very friendly with anyone, you were the only exception and even that never lasted too long. He kind of just... faded into the crowd. At first you tried to get him out of his shell, but he hated your newfound friends and wouldn't talk to you once you started hanging out with them.

He didn't want to let you go, but he didn't want you to be stuck with him and only him, although now he's regretting that decision.

He never got the courage to tell you that he... loved you.

Anyways, back to the present now.

You laugh happily, leaning into Arthur's shoulder. You soon feel watched, so you stop for a second, turning around.

You immediately notice your childhood friend staring at you from a nearby bench.

Smile growing bigger, you wave to him, but the scowl you get in response wipes all traces of your happiness away. Without looking at you again, Romano stands up, storming away.

Your arm falls to your side, where it grips a handful of your skirt.

An arm wraps around your waist gently, a soft accented voice rings in your ear.

"Come on darling... shouldn't dwell on the past."

Half of you wants to shove the brit for that, but the more dominant half of you makes you nod, walking away with him.

You should stop thinking about Romano... I mean, you have Arthur! What better guy could you ever have... Right?


Sighing, you throw yourself onto your bed. Another pretty good day... even though you do feel a bit off after seeing Roma...

You were certain he liked you... I mean come on! He kissed one of your injuries better once!

Guess you were wrong though...

You turn on your side, grabbing your phone and starting to unlock it.

You curse as it starts buzzing in your hand, almost forcing it to fall out of your hands.

Groaning, you answer the call, holding your phone up to your ear.


There's a silence.

"(Y/n)... this is Romano, and I know this is an odd time, also please don't ask where I got your number, but I... have a picture I need to send you, is it okay for me to do that?"

Confusion fills your mind, but a small smile crosses your face.

"Sure, whatever."

A small grunt comes as a reply, then the click of the other line hanging up.

Giggling, you sit up as a picture message is sent to you.


All thoughts leave your mind as you open it. Your hand starts shaking, until you drop your phone on the bed, lying down silently.

Arthur's.... cheating... Right at this very moment...

Tears slip out of the corners of your eyes as your chest starts heaving.

You hear the phone ring, but you don't pick it up... no point really...


Growling, Romano slams his cell to the table... he just HAD to send the fucking picture, he couldn't let her stay happy in obliviousness!

Scowl adorning his face, he grabs his phone (in case you call back) and rushes out of his house, straight to (y/n)'s. The two only live a block apart.

Moving as quickly as he can, he soon sees your house coming up. You still haven't called yet...

His head is a huge mumble jumble of curse words and insults towards himself (and Arthur), as he runs up to your door.

Knocking isn't gonna do shit, he knows that already.

Barging in, he runs up where he knows your room is. He's been there a thousand and one times already, so it's not very difficult, even if he hasn't been there for years.


His heart shatters into a thousand pieces as he enters your room.

The young woman he loves, is lying weakly in her bed sobbing her eyes out violently. He's never seen you so out of it... and he's seen you at your very worst!


You jump as you hear Roma barge into your room, your name leaving his lips in a breathless gasp.

There's a few moments of silence, before you hear him shuffling over to you, sitting on the edge of your bed.

Turning in your bed a bit, you look up at him with damp, swollen, red eyes.


Your name leaves his lips again as he moves quickly, wrapping you in a tight hug, pulling you out of your lying position.

A surprisingly soft hand rubs your back, while to other buries itself in your hair. He pulls you into his shoulder, cradling your shaking form to his warm chest.

Soon, you manage to calm down, gently pulling out of his arms.

There's an awkward silence as you stare at the floor, heartbroken.

Romano suddenly pushes himself to kneel in front of you, between your legs.

"(Y/n) (l/n), where does it hurt?"

Confused, you sniffle lightly before furrowing your brows.

His warm eyes stare into yours as he kisses your knee gently, the same knee that had gotten the scrape many years ago.

"Where does it hurt?"

Realization hits you, making you blush slightly, tears filling your eyes again.

Your throat is unable to utter a sound, so you tap on your chest, right above your heart. Leaning up, Roma presses a gentle kiss to that spot, before standing up so he's towering above you.

He kisses the tip of your nose, your cheeks, your forehead, the top of your head, anyplace on your face, except for you lips.

A furious blush seems to follow his lips, burning like crazy where they touch your skin.

"W-what was that for?" Your voice wavers slightly.

Romano smiles, before leaning back down, lips hovering millimeters away from yours.

You feel your heart start racing, anticipation overwhelming your sadness for a few precious moments, before he crushes his lips gently with your own, hands cupping your face as the both of you lean into the kiss.

As he pulls away, Romano seems to notice his actions, blushing a bright red as he averts his eyes from yours.

"Because I love you, stupid woman..."



I am so damn proud of this! I'll have one more part to this, that'll probably be lime-y... maybe.

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