2p! America X Reader: Doll {Fluff}

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No, it's not called doll because Allen calls you doll, it's called doll for a different reason. (Even though he does call you doll.) The idea is inspired by Darker Than Black, hope you enjoy.


Slipping silently through the crowd, your dull (e/c) eyes search for any metal you can use to track your target... if he's even near metal...

If you could, you'd sigh at how annoying the way your powers work is, but it's impossible for you to express emotion... you're just a Doll, a freak of nature caused by the catastrophe of the stars dissapearing, and Hell's Gate and Heavens Gate being set up.

Your blank expression never changes as you spot a barrier, separating the sidewalk from the street. Metal.

A faint buzzing is heard in your ear before your intercom cuts in, your partners voice coming through.

"Hey Dollface! Heh, bad choice of words. Anyways, have you found the target yet?"

You're internally rolling your eyes over Allen's stupid 'pun'.


You hear a groan from his side, and the faint sound of him throwing himself onto a bed, or a couch or something.

"Hurry up then. Call when you find him, if we don't get this done the syndicate will eliminate us."

Not that you care...


Grabbing the cool metal banister, you stare blankly. Not really a change though.

You buzz back in to Al.

"Tokyo. I'm sending you coordinates."

As soon as Al is informed of the targets location, you start making your way there. He's surprisingly close to where you are, so you might end up making it there before Allen does.

Turns out you were right. Approaching the small hotel the target is hidden in,  you hear Al calling your name.

Naturally, you stop and wait for him. It's physically impossible for you to ignore him, or to not listen to his orders.

The brunette, slips an arm around your shoulders, smirking deviously at you.

"You should be careful in there Dollface, the contractors not as strong as me, of course, but he's still strong."

You nod, eyes focusing on his face for a millisecond, before you zone back out again.

Just as you start walking towards the building, you notice movement in a window.

Allen curses and shoves you quickly, just as you feel a strong gust of air shove past you.

Growling, the pupils of Al's eyes turn red and spark, his spiked bat appearing in his hands. The spikes are a luminous blue, the sign that his bat is... special, his contractor power.

Charging forewards, he grabs the ledge of the window, the one the other contractor is hiding in, and dissapears into the darkened window.

You're still sitting on the damp ground, staring at where Al just vanished.

You can faintly hear struggling, cursing and the occasional crash coming from the building, but then all falls silent.

You continue staring at the widow, blinking with what any person looking on would think was laziness, not knowing that it's just in your nature to be monotone and boring. All dolls are.

Allen jumps out of the window, blood sprayed across his smirking face.

Standing up slowly, you watch with bland eyes as Al pulls a wrapped burger out of his pocket. His contract.

He's a vegan, so his contract is an insanely cruel one. He has to take a bite of a burger... hell for him.

The disgust on his face is evident as he takes a deep breath, chomping quickly into the slab of greasy meat.

He gags, holding it in his mouth for a few seconds, before spitting, tossing the rest of the burger to the ground and storming quickly towards you.

This is new. Usually he just mopes the rest of the night about having had a dead animal in his mouth.

A tanned hand reaches towards you, tangling itself in your hair as he pulls you to his chest.

You stare at each other for a few seconds, your face blank as usual, and a serious look on Allen's.

He slams his lips against yours, kissing you roughly, his tongue slipping past your lips.

The kiss is sloppy, mostly because your lips can only stay in place, unable to return his affection.

The only 'emotion' you can show is in resting your hands on his chest, leaning up into him slightly.

His smirk widens before he pulls away, leaning his forehead on your own.

"You taste good Dollface."


Whoop whoop, I wish Allen would kiss me like that!

Next Up:

Nordic 5 X Reader: Alright

Prussia X Reader: Perfect

I am taking requests... just so you know.

Oh, just gonna pop this in here, I'm watching Monster House, and oh my God it was such an important movie during my childhood, but how did I not notice all the fucking puberty jokes?

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