Ethereal Fairies' Powers & Abilities

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The Ethereal Fairies are very poweful creatures and are made of pure magical energy. They are timeless, that is immortal, and have always been existing since the beginning of Time, and were maybe born shortly after Arcadia, who is the first Fairy to have ever existed. They can travel from dimension to dimension and can exist out of time and space, as seen when they appeared to the Winx when they were travelling through an interdimensional portal from Aurora's Frost Tower to their lounge at the Love & Pet shop.

The Ethereal Fairies are the guardians of many magical powers and spells, such as the Gifts of Destiny.

Since they exist out of Time, they also know what will happen in the future and can warn the beings they are supposed to help. The Ethereal Fairies were destined to help the Winx, who themselves were destined to help the Winx defend the Earth from the Wizards of Black Circle and from the Vengeance of the Earth Fairies.

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