Tecna's Sirenix

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Digital Strike:

Digital Strike is Tecna's first Sirenix spell. She forms a group of green and purple hexagon-like shapes that is released towards the enemy with deep purple bolts of energy.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 15 - Used against Darcy.

Season 5 Episode 19 - Used against Icy with Flora's Lotus Flower.


In Portuguese, it's called "Digital Attack".


Digital Net:

Digital Net is a Sirenix spell used by Tecna. She forms a green graphic-like net with circles at the points where the lines meet. This spell is used to trap attacks by enemies and reverse them.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 16 - Used to hold the toxic power of Wizgiz's monster.

Season 5 Episode 26 - Used to defend the warrior mermaids.


Genesis Blow:

Genesis Blow is one of Tecna's Sirenix spells. She forms purple and green hexagon-like shapes in her hand and shoots a greenish-teal beam of energy towards the enemy.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 18 - Used against the Devourer.

Season 5 Episode 24 - Used in a convergence withLava Jab and Lotus Flower against Tritannus but failed.


Neon Splice:

Neon Splice is one of Tecna's Sirenix spells. She forms a lime green cicular shield that looks like a hoop of digital squares.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 18 - Used to defend Flora from the dragons attack.


Aura of Sirenix:

Aura of Sirenix is Tecna's special Sirenix spell that allows her to imitate all of the abilities of any sea creature, and use it against her enemies. At first, her aura will change into teal, then her hands will form lime, cyan and lavander hexagons, then she will shoot either teal rays, the hexagons, or a ray similar to Genesis Blow.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 21 - Used thrice, first against the electro-octopus, second to imitate the attack of the jellyfishes, and third against the eel.

Season 6 Episode 1 - Used along with Flower of Sirenix and Tide of Sirenix against the Beast of the Depths.


Techno Punch:

Techno Punch is one of Tecna's Sirenix spells. She forms a large green ball in her hands with dark green aura around it and attacks the enemy.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 22 - Used against the techno-droids.

Season 5 Episode 25 - Wasn't stated that it was, but it is the attack used against the mutants.


Logic Net:

Logic Net is one of Tecna's Sirenix spells. Tecna makes a shield that looks like a combination of Neon Splice andDigital Net. Since the shield is round-like and has circles like Digital Net and it also looks like Neon Splice since it is just a half.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 22 - Used to defend King Cryosand his assistant from the attacks of the techno-droids.


This spell and Digital Net look similar.


Techno Kick:

Techno Kick is one of Tecna's Sirenix spells. She forms digital energy on her leg and throws it towards the enemy. Her leg returns back to normal when the digital energy wears off her leg.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 24 - Used against the giant praying mantis.


This is the fifth and last named spell released by the leg. Tecna was the fifth Winx Club member to attack by using the leg.

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