Darcy's Dark Sirenix

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Dark Lightning:

Dark Lightning is a Dark Sirenix spell used by Darcy. Darcy releases purple-colored darkness balls on her hand that shoots dark energy towards the target, which can blind it.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 15 - Used against the Guardian Selkies.


Hypno Wave:

Hypno Wave is a Dark Sirenix spell used by Darcy. Her hands glow pink and purple and shoots twin purple sonic waves towards the enemy.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 15 - Used against the Guardian Selkies.


Dark Spell:

Dark Spell is a Dark Sirenix spell used by Darcy. She forms a misty pink energy in her hands, and attacks her enemy with it.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 18 - Used against the devourer.


Darkness Strike:

Darkness Strike is a Dark Sirenix spell used by Darcy. She throws a beam of darkness which explodes/shatters things in contact. It has two layers: the inner and the outer. The inner is fuchsia while the outer is purple.

Times When Used:

Season 5 Episode 22 - Used against the selkies, but failed, hitting some rocks behind them.


Blast of Darkness:

Blast of Darkness is a Dark Sirenix spell used by Darcy, in which she shoots a purple-colored beam at the enemy.

Time When Used:

Season 6 Episode 1 - Used against the Winx but failed.

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