Mirta's Spells

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Illusion Delusion: Appearing in Bloom's Dark Secret, it is a witch spell that can create nearly real looking illusions. Mirta can also see people through this skill.

Wave of Compression: Seen in the first movie, it is a dark purple beam that Mirta fires at an invading monster. It appears to be fairy magic since there is no dark aura surrounding Mirta. While it did not do much damage, the spell did manage to hurt the monster.

"By the powers of darkness, I order...": An incomplete, dark spell spoken in the first movie in which a dark aura does surround her. Mirta was not able to complete it due to Professor Wizgiz's interruption and warning of not using dark magic.

Unnamed shield spell: She used an orange shield during Valtor's attack to Alfea with aid from possesed Witches. Unnamed summoning spell : Mirta used this to summon a large beast to attack the Trix.

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