Hat girl

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This was insane. Strangely dressed people everywhere. I looked both ways and all down the alley was old shops with even older signs above them. My aunt said she was going to get us some drinks. I noded, that was all I could do. Was nod. I just pretty much stood there with my mouth open, until a breeze picked up and I swear! I think I just swallowed a bug!  I stared to walk forward not even looking where I was going and OH!! GOD!! WHAT THE? BLOODY HELL!

"GOD, Watch where you're going twat!"

I realized I tripped over a girl in a hat tying her shoe."Oh, my god. I am so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going! Are you ok?" I said this all the while I'm still on the floor clutching my finger. I'm pretty sure I broke it.

"It's ok I guess. Hey, you alright?"

"Uhh, no I think I broke my finger."

"Oh,  easy fix."

"Wait, what are you ngoing to do?  Do you know how to..."



"Ooo yeah I forgot to mention, it hurts."

"Oh, no it's ok. Really."

Here comes my aunt. Dropping all of her bags and running over to me and my new "friend".

"Oh, my gosh. Love are you okay? What happened?" she asked with all the most concern in  her small voice.

"Me, that's what happened. Really aunt Mary I'm fine. REALLY." She kept looking at me, then down at  my finger, then at hat girl, then at me, then at my finger, then at hat girl, then at me, then at my.. Well you get the point.

"Aunt Mary this is errr...uhm...well...Uh, what did you say your name was?"

"Oh, sorry. I'm Remedy Belle Mannings." She stuck out her hand towards my aunt. And tottally skipped over me.


"Remedy Belle Mannings" she said, she seemed in a hurry.

"Oh, wonderful to meet you Miss. Mannings, I'm Joy's Aunt. But, you may call me Mary." My aunt said.

"Oh, uhm sorry I'm Joy. Joy Felton, pleasure." She finally stuck out her hand for me to shake. Maybe I'm judging her too fast. 

"Okay, well as long as everyone is all right. Why don't you go and start getting your things for school." MY aunt said with a smile.

"Aunt Mary, I don't know where I'm supposed to go to get all these things."

"Oh, dear. Do you mind showing Joy around?" My aunt said looking to Remedy. "She's starting Hogwarts this year. Very new to everything."

"Of course, I would be happy to." Remedy turned a smile to me and a smiled back. MY aunt gave me a small pouch with some odd coins in it. Remedy and I began walking down the alley I pulled out my list. "We should start with your books. You'll want to go to Flourish and Blotts." I nodded and we just kept walking, this silence was becoming thick.

"So, Uhm Where are your parents?" I was so desperate to get something started.

"Uhm.... they're dead." She didn't really sound all that sincere.

"Oh, I'm sorry... Mine are dead too." I could feel tears staring to form at the corners of my eyes. I can't do this right now. Not here. Ok, just breathe. I could see that Remedy could sense my emotions . "So, ehrm when are we going to get to this shop." 

"It's right over there." She pointed a finger to our right and there was a little shop with books stacked in the window. We entered and found the clerk. He let out a loud sigh when I showed him my list and he left. He came back soon with a stack of books and placed them in front of me. Then he grabbed a large knobby walking stick and a thick pair of gloves. "Stay back!" he said to us. He walked over to large cage with these fuzzy brown books tearing each other apart.

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