The champions

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Dana, Rose, and I went to go change into our robes. The train was almost to Hogwarts. It was different changing this time. I have my own house tie. The silky yellow and black tie hang over my white shirt, the bottom of the tie touching the top of my pleated grey skirt. As I moved around the small bathroom the skirt brushed my knees. My long sleeve grey sweater now had thin yellow stripes at the V shaped collar and around the wrists. I pulled up my grey knee high socks and buckled my shoes. I looked into the mirror, half my wavy hair was pulled back tied by a small white satin bow. My bangs came down to touch my cheeks. I grabbed my clothes and put them back in my bag, grabbed my black robe, and went back to the compartment.

I passed by the Slytherins. I saw him again. He was smiling a little, no doubt poking fun at Harry Potter. Harry Potter. That boy was always in the infirmary. I was looking forward to helping Madame Pomfrey. She may not be a teacher but she has taught me a lot. Again, I got caught up in my own thoughts and the train came to a halt. Obviously I wasn't ready and I fell backwards and to the side, right into his compartment. I landed on my side. I slowly looked up at everyone in the compartment. A tall boy with curly hair was looking at me like a piece of cake. Another boy, he was tall but a little chubby, was just staring blankly at me. Reluctantly, I looked at him. He was looking down at me with his hand held out at me. I reached up for his hand but I felt a shock so I let go. I stood up quickly grabbed my bag and robe and ran off the train.

I caught up to Dana, Rose, and Remedy. I bit my lip the whole time we were on the carriage. We got to the Great Hall and watched all the first years get sorted. Dumbledore made an announcement that this year, Hogwarts would be playing host to two schools for the Triwizard Tournament. I've read about the Tournament. It's extremely barbaric, pinning students against each other in competition, and I don't agree with it. The first school was Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. It was an all girls school. The girls wore silky blue dresses and naturally all the boys heads turned. Their headmaster was a huge woman. I mean tall. She was extremely tall.

Next was Durmstrang Institute. All boys. All very handsome boys... Anyway, as Dumbledore explained the Tournament I reached for my mothers ring around my neck. But, it wasn't there. It was gone. I moved around in my robe and looked under the table.

"Oy! Joy, what the bloody hell are you doing?" Rose was looking at me like I had gone mental.

"My necklace! It's gone! I cant find it."

"Joy don't panic we'll look for it after dinner." Dana was looking around at people staring at us. I ignored them and stared at my plate. Where could I have left it? Maybe it fell on the train. I hope I left it a home. After dinner Rose and Dana tried to help me look for it in the Great Hall. No luck. After they went to the common room, I stayed, I walked around everywhere. After an hour of looking around I decided to go back to the common room. I was almost to the barrels when I turned a corner and saw him. He was sitting in a corner. His tie was loosened and the top button undone. He looked up at the sound of my footsteps. When my face caught the light he stood up. I walked over to him.

"Hey." His voice was low and calm. "Your Mannings friend aren't you?"

"Yes. I am. Why?" I kept my eyes down. What did he want? Better question was what was doing here looking for me?

"You left this on the train, you know, when you fell." He held up my mothers necklace.

"Oh! Thank you! Thank you so much." I was smiling like an idiot. I took my necklace in my hand. I stared at my hand and when I looked up he was gone. I looked around and back down the corridor, he had vanished. I went to bed wondering why he was so strange.

The next morning was our first Defense against the Dark arts class with our new professor. I walked into class and sat next to Remedy. Across the aisle was Malfoy and his tall friend.

Hufflepuff Loyalty (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now