My patronus

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"All you have to do is keep a happy memory in your head. It has to be strong.  Do you have the memory?" Remedy had the spell book layed open. 

"Yeah, I have it." I was lying. I had nothing. I couldn't remember the last time I was really happy. I had a small memory of me on my dads lap when I was two. But, it's not strong. I can barely remember it. 

"Now repeat Expecto Patronum. Make it strong. You dont have to shout bu-..." I started to drown her out. I really couldn't remember the last time I was truly happy. My parents death was always there in the back of my mind. My aunt tried her best to care for me and make me happy but, it got harder after her daughter died. Meeting Remedy was nice. But I had just found out my parents were tortured.  

"Ready??" I guess she was trying to get my attention for a while. Well, here goes nothing.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" Small silver whisps came from the end of my wand. That didn't look right. Remedy said that it was supposed to be an animal. 

"That was good!" I gave her a sarcastic look. "No! This is supposed to be an extremely difficult spell. It's amazing that anything even happened on the first try." She was really optimistic about this.

"Well what's your patronus?"

"It's an Eagle. Now Joy, focus"

"Show me. I want to get a feel for how its supposed to look."

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A bright silver eagle flew out of the end of her wand. She made that look rather easy.  Well great... "Just try it one more time! You can get it!"

I kept running through my thoughts, memories, and stories. I couldn't find one memory. Not one. 

"I've got it..." I whispered. Too quietly for her to hear. I closed my eyes.."EXPECTO PATRONUM!" At first it was just a sream of a silver line but, then it began to take a shape. It was wolf. The wolf turned to me. Its eyes... they're my mothers... all I can see now is my mothers face. I tried to reach for it, it disappeared. 

"That was perfect Joy!!" I stood there quietly until I could break from staring at the spot where it once stood. I felt my mouth spread to a smile. Bloody hell I want a cookie. Remedy gave me a high five. We started to begin again when we heard someone coming. It was that boy. Malfoy. Those two boys were always with him. It got a bit annoying. He began to talk but I wasn't listening. My brain was blank. All I can see is that face. It looked so much like my mother. But how?

When my hearing came back into focus I heard Malfoy say something about Remedy's parents.

"Wait, I thought your parents were dead." Remedy whipped  her head around to me. It was Malfoy who said something to me now.

"Oh, you never told her about your little betrayal?" he crossed his arms. "Well let me fill her in."

"No! Malfoy you leave her out of this. Leave all my friends out of this!"

"The day before you met her, her father tortured her, and rightly so." Malfoy said with a smirk. What was this boy's issue. He had such a cold exterior. What is going on? This is insanity. Why didnt she tell me any of this. I just stood there. Malfoy eventually left and Remedy sat under a tree and put her head in her knees. Eventually I walked over and sat next to her.

"Why didnt you say anything?"

"I didn't want you to get involved. I didnt want you to get hurt" 

"I get it but, why do they hate you so much?"

"I'm not in the same house. I come from a long line of Slytherins. I don't belong so they hate me."

"I'm sorry." We sat and talked for a while. She wants me to stay out of all of this. But, I can't do that. She is my best friend. I have to do something to help her. She doesn't want to come over during the summer with me. 

We went back to the great hall and saw Hermione and Ron arguing. We went to go settle it. Well Hermione walked off after Remedy told them they were making a scene. I went back to my common room and stared at that picture of my parents until supper. I didn't sleep much that night.

The next morning I got up and put my comfy sweater on and a pair of jeans. It was a Sunday so I didn't need my uniform. When I got onto the main floor of Hogwarts I saw it was snowing. I got to the great hall for breakfast where Remedy came and sat with me. We had a breif conversation until she went to talk to Malfoy. I spent the rest of the day in the library and walking around campus. That's pretty much how the rest of the year went. I was just ready to go home. And see my aunt. I finished out my quidditch year. We did really well placed right behind Gryffindor. Ravenclaw won the house cup. The train ride home, I was oddly calm. I guess I realised I had nothing to be afraid of. 

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