Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Clara, you look like shit!" Jas exclaims as I sit down on my seat.

Cole is siting opposite me and I can't even look him in the eye without thinking about Lola's words.

I'm still in love with Cole, can't you see that I break each time I see the both of you together.

Trying to push her words out of my head I give Jas a fake smile.

"Netflix all night" I say as an excuse.

Jas rolls her eyes and lets out a small puff.

"You haven't even be picking up my calls or replying back to my texts" Jas adds on.

"I'm sorry, I haven't been charging my phone properly as well, it ends up dying when I'm playing games"

"Clara" His voice says and I try hard not to cry.

She told me to leave him, to stop seeing him but I don't want to do that because I love him, I know that I love him.

It may only have been five months of the both of us dating but I've loved him before that.

"Clara, can't you hear that Cole is calling you!" Jas says loudly.

And I know that I've just broke down because I feel a tear slip from my eye. Getting up from my seat I run out of the classroom.

"Whoa Clara, what happened?" I feel someone's hands rest on my upper arms stopping me and it's none other than Riley.

"Let me go" I say as a sob comes out of my mouth.

"Not until you tell me what happened" He says sternly.

"Clara" Cole is standing by the door of the classroom with a sad and confused look on his face.

"Bro what happened?" Riley questions him as the grip of his hands softens on my arms.

Taking this as an opportunity I run away once again so I can go to the bathrooms. Who do I listen to, someone who's still in love with their ex or my own heart?

Who do I choose between, who's trust do I break?

"Clara that's enough" My back is met against the lockers in the hallway as my eyes meet Cole's blue ones.

"Let me go Cole"

"Babe, why are you crying, tell me what happened?" He demands trying to get me to meet his gaze but I can't because it only hurts more that way.

"Don't do this to me Cole"

"Don't do what to you Clara, was it something I said, I need to know because you've been avoiding me for the past week and I have no idea what the hell has even happened!" His hand slams against the locker beside me and I shudder from the anger which is raiding off him.

"Please Cole" I plead to him feeling more tears roll down my cheeks.

"Tell me what happened?!" He shouts even louder.

"I'm breaking up with you!" I shout back pushing against his chest.

Breathing in and out I try to control myself, what did I just say to him? Is this the decision which I really want to make for myself?

"What?" Cole asks in shock.

"Just leave me alone from now on; I don't want to have anything to do with you"

"Clara is this a joke" Looking to my right I see Jas standing there with Riley beside her and they both looked shocked.

"Babe just listen to me" Cole tries to reach for my hand but I pull away from him.

He looks at me as if I just stabbed him in the heart and that's exactly what I did. I broke him and I broke myself at this very moment.

Running off away from all of them I go into the bathroom and lock it. Feeling my legs give up I slide down against the door letting out all of my tears.

I just let the love of my life go and I don't think I'll ever get him back.

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