Chapter Fourteen

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For the past few weeks let's just say that me and Cole have become very close friends because of the study sessions which we have together.

I know the study sessions was a way to get me closer to Cole but I have actually started to understand science more so I guess it's a two way win for me.

Me and Jas were standing by my locker taking out our books for English and laughing about this video of a cow running after a man in the woods.

"Clara" I hear the voice of an angel say.

Turning around I see standing behind me with that dashing smile on his face as usual.

"Hi" I say returning back the smile.

"Jas" Cole says giving her a brief nod.

Ever since we've sat together Cole's been calling Jas by her nickname as well- it's a shame that I don't have a nickname.

"Cole, how you doing?" Jas asks him.

"I'm doing fine, I actually came down to talk to Clara" Cole says shifting his gaze over to me. I feel my eyes widen and Cole starts laughing. "Don't feel scared" He says still laughing a bit.

"I'll meet you in class then" Jas says to me with a small smile.

Nodding my head at her she walks off as I shut my locker door. Cole comes to stand in Jas's place and continues smiling at me.

"Do you want to walk around?" He asks.

I nod my head as an ok and follow his lead. Holding the books close to my chest I look at Cole from the corner of my eye to see him smiling and biting his bottom lip.

Oh God, if only I could take a picture. Cole quickly looks over at me making my heart stop. Concentrating back in front of me I swear I heard a chuckle but I could also be hearing things.

"I actually texted you last night but you never replied back" Cole says.

He texted me last night, I never even got a message from him that's a bit strange.

"Are you sure, I never received anything" I say to him confused.

"Take a look at your phone, you probably received it now or something" He says with his blue eyes twinkling as always.

Pulling my phone out of the pocket in my dress, I switch it on and go onto Whatsapp to see that I did indeed get a message from Cole which was an image of something.

Opening the image up I'm met with something which would have made me scream in joy but I'm not...why am I not screaming in happiness?

I feel myself stop in my tracks as I continue looking at the picture which Cole sent me. Is this possible in the first three months of getting to know him?

"So what do you say Clara?" He asks.

Looking up at him he's scratching the back of his head and has a small smile on his face but looks nervous at the same time.

This was what I was trying to achieve so why am I not saying yes to him, why am I not responding back?

My brain has stopped working as well as my mouth not being able to give a response back to Cole.

"I don't know" And just like that I walk away from him and speed walk down the hallway.

Did I really just say I don't know to him, oh God Jas is going to kill me, I'm going to kill myself. Walking into class I see Jas and immediately run up to her sitting down on the chair.

"Whoa what happened to you and why is your face so red?" She asks.

Putting both hands on either sides of my cheek I feel the hotness radiating off.

"Jas, you're going to kill me" I say in a shaky voice.

"What did you do now Clara?" She asks.

"Cole asked me out" I say in a whisper.

Jas's eyes go wide and she lets out a loud scream since there is no teacher or anyone else in the classroom at the moment.

"That's freaking amazing Clara, what did you say to him?" She asks grabbing hold of my hands.

"I told him that I don't know" Her smile immediately drops as she looks at me confused.

"What do you mean that you told him that you don't know?!" She screams.

"Jas, I'm an idiot...I'm such an idiot. He asked me out, through a picture he slyly sent before he started talking to me and I....I rejected him because oh God, I just feel so bad"

"Tell me Clara, why do you feel so bad?" How am I supposed to tell her that I feel bad because I feel like I'm actually betraying Lola ever since I spoke to her from last time? "I think I know's that slag Lola isn't it?!" Jas asks loudly in frustration.

Jas knows me a bit too well then.

"Yes, I feel like I need to speak to her about I feel about Cole. I mean wouldn't you feel better if I asked if I was allowed to date your ex-boyfriend?"

"No I wouldn't feel bad, there's a reason he's called the ex" She slaps my hands and crosses her arms over her chest.

"Poor Cole" I say to myself.

"Yes poor Cole and stupid Clara- you're going to find that slag after English and tell her whatever shit you're thinking about and then you will go to Cole and say that you really do want to go out with him"

"At least I know that I can count on you"

"Oh shut it"

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