Chapter Thirteen

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"So how did your study session go?" Jas asks once Cole is out of sight from us.

"Oh Jas, I don't want to sound so into it but each time we spoke he would look me right in the eye" Jas winks at me and we both give each other a high five.

"See I told you, you just needed to give all of this time" She says.

"But what if he suddenly loses interest or something?" I ask with fear.

Cole seems like the type of person who would get tired of things quickly, I mean I don't know him properly but I'm just assuming this from his personality.

"You know what Clara; you need to get these thoughts out of your mind because if you keep thinking this then yes, Cole will end up losing interest. Anyway, change of topic, when's your next study session with him?"

"Every day after lessons finish" Jas lets out a squeal and we give each other a high five again.

"Clara" Looking past Jas's head I see that it's...Lola.

I haven't seen Lola in a long time.

"Please don't tell me that's who I think it is" Jas says with the smile falling from her face.

"Well, it is" I tell her.

"That devil better not come next to me" Jas warns with wide eyes.

"I'll go to her then" Getting up from my chair Lola leaves her friends as we walk up to each other.

She wraps me in a hug which I respond back too.

"I haven't seen you such a long time Clara!" Lola exclaims.

"I know, me too"

"We need to catch up" I nod my head as a yes to her.

She looks over my shoulder, her face turns into a scowl but the smile appears back on her face.

"I see you're still friends with Jasmine" Lola says letting out a small laugh.

Looking over my shoulder I see Jas on her phone.

"Yeah, she's the best. Anyway, me and Jas were just studying and stuff, I'll text you" I tell her.

She nods her head as an ok and hugs me one more time before going off.

"You sure took your time" Jas tells me once I sit back down in my seat.

"Jas, I tried to get rid of her as fast as I could just for you"

Jas lets out a smile from this and gives me a side hug.

"That's my girl" I roll my eyes at her and let out a small laugh as well.

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