Chapter Four

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Today is the day, today is the day I finally speak to my crush Cole. It may be a simple sentence but I'm still going to be talking to him and this is huge for me. Smoothing out my dress I try to pay attention to what my English teacher is saying but it's no use.

Cole's face keeps coming in my mind as well as all the possible things he might say to me. I need to go to the toilets to look at myself one time before going to science. It's like the bell read my mind because it rang immediately.

Getting up from my seat I gather my books and just shove them in my bag leaving the classroom. Running to the toilets I open the doors to be met with the disgusting smell but try to ignore the scent.

I look in the mirror and start to smooth out my curled hair and put on my best smile. Jas told me to wear on my red lipstick because it made me look 'hot'- those were her words not mine. I should quickly get going otherwise I'll be late for class.

Leaving the toilets I carry on walking down the hallway and turn to my left to see nobody is outside the class yet, they're all probably inside the class already- crap! Popping my head in the door I see that Cole is the only person in there.

Before he can see me staring at him I back up and lean against some lockers which were behind me. I can't go in there if he's on his own, it'll be too awkward and I'll have nothing to say-I quickly text Jas asking her where she is.

I guess I'll have to wait until some other people come in as well. Tapping my feet against the ground I fold my arms against my chest and watch people walk past me to get to their lessons.

"Clara, you coming in?" Standing in front of me is Riley with Gabriel next to him.

"Yeah....I'm coming" I tell him with a smile.

Riley nods his head and goes into the classroom with Gabriel as I watch their backs. Where is Jas and what is taking her so long?

You know what, I'll go in- this is my best chance in talking to Cole anyways. Deciding to walk in the classroom Cole, Riley and Gabriel are already talking as Mrs Allen sits behind her desk typing away on her computer.

"Hey you" Mrs Allen says with a cheery smile.

"Hi Mrs Allen" I reply back with a small smile.

Taking my chair out I see down hoping the guy's will stop their conversation but they carry on talking to each other. My heart starts to beat fast as I think through the plan, here goes nothing. I casually pick up my bag from the floor and start looking through it.

Letting out a loud fake sigh I start to empty everything out including my books, pencil case and every other thing I have in there. I hear that the guy's conversation has died down a little. Ok Jas said that I would probably catch their attention like this anyway.

Now it's time to ask for the magical object.

"Have any of you got a spare pen I could borrow?" I ask first looking at Riley, then Gabriel and last but not least at Cole whose blue eyes were fixed on me like the other days we caught eye contact with each other.

"Yeah let me check" Riley tells me.

"I'll check as well" Gabriel adds in.

I thank the both of them and try not to look at Cole who I know is still looking at me. Hopefully he hasn't catched on to my plan yet.

"Here, take mine" I feel my breath catch in my throat as I look at Cole from under my lashes.

His long muscular arm is stretched out in front of me with the pen in between his fingertips.

"Th-thank you" Gently taking the pen from his hand I place it down and begin to put all of my things back in my bag.

The three of them decide to continue their conversation and here I am trying to hold in my smile. Cole Davidson has given me his pen, the very pen which he writes with. Oh God, I'm so fan-girling at the moment right now.

I know that fan-girling isn't a word but it is in my dictionary.

"You bitch, there you are!" I hear Jas say loudly from behind me.

Turning around in my seat I see that she has a very angry look on her face.

"Jasmine" Mrs Allen says strictly from her seat.

"Sorry" She says to Mrs Allen.

Jas looks back at me so I mouth a sorry but she only flips me off and sits down in her seat.

"I can't believe you ditched me" She says with venom in her voice.

Rolling my eyes at her behaviour I lean a bit forward so I don't have to speak so loudly.

"I can't ditch you if we were in different classes" I remind her.

"Whatever" I go back to my position in my seat and the guys are all quiet.

"Your friend seems nice" Gabriel says speaking to me for the first time.

I laugh at what he says and nod my head in agreement. Riley lets out a small laugh from beside me and gives me a small pat on my back.

I find myself looking at Cole to see he has a small smile on his lips. This is the improvement I was looking for at the beginning of the year with him. I'm now confident that I can talk to Cole without any hesitation. 

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