Chapter Eighteen

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"I'll see you tomorrow then" Cole says as we stop outside the car.

Looking into the car I make they're not looking and face away from them. I don't think I've ever been so embarrassed in my life before.

"I'm so sorry" I say with my voice dropping a little.

"Hey, I told you that it was ok...I had a really great time Clara and I'm hoping we get to do it again" He wants to go out with me again? Oh my God, he wants to go out with me again!

"Me too, I would love that" I say sounding casual but dying from happiness in the inside.

"See you in class" He surprises me by pulling me into a hug.

Just as I'm about to put my arms around him the car horns making me jump and Cole to let go off me.

He lets out a small laugh and rubs the back of his head.

"I'll text you" He walks away from the car making me angry at the time which we lost together.

Sighing in frustration I open the car door and get in.

"You both are just so embarrassing!" I exclaim in frustration.

"What did we do?" Mum says so casually from her seat.

"Come on mum, you ruined our date"

"You are not allowed to go out with random boys Clara" Dad says looking at me through the rear-view mirror.

Is dad kidding me right now, I introduced him and Cole and he still says that Cole is a random boy.

"Dad he's in my class, I already told you that"

"How am I supposed to know that you aren't lying?" He challenges back.

"When have I ever lied to you and if you really don't believe me then you can ask Jas"

"I want to meet that boy properly"

"But dad, this was just our first date" I argue back.

"We'll talk about this later" Mum says cutting the both of us off.

Leaning my head against the window I let out a sigh- parents are just so misunderstanding sometimes.


"I don't understand where your parents came from though?" Jas asks.

"They did tell me they were going out, little did I know that they just so happened to be at the same place as me and Cole" I tell her thinking about last night's encounter with them.

Let's just say that Cole handled the situation very well and lucky mum and dad didn't ask so much questions as well.

We didn't even manage to get them burgers because dad demanded that I had to go home straight away with him.

I don't know how Cole managed to deal with that but he did.

"Clara you idiot!" Jas yells loudly.


"Your parents were probably there at the theatre and they probably saw you and Cole together"

Even if mum and dad were there, they would have probably come up to us during the play because knowing dad he never gets embarrassed.

"You know what my dad is like, he would have confronted me and Cole then and there and by the way, they're acting like I did something bad"

"Let's just forget about what happened with your parents and focus on you and Cole and where he's going to take you on the next date" Laughing at her I see a few people come into class and them people included Cole who was busy talking to Gabriel.

"How was the date?" Riley asks immediately sitting across Jas.

"It was good" I say.

Riley was about to say something when Cole comes to the table. Looking into them blue eyes they're looking back at me as he gives me a secret smile.

"You ok?" He asks.

"I'm all good" He sits down in his seat and continues to look up at me making my cheeks go red.

"Like I was going to say, Cole couldn't stop talking about you this morning" Riley says winking at me.

Looking over at Cole the smile from his face has dropped and is busy glaring at Riley. Jas beside me starts to laugh behind her hand and I can't help but crack a smile myself.

"Do continue" Jas says adding to his amusement.

"He kept talking about your dress Clara and how good you looked in it" Riley continues slapping his hand on Cole's back who covered his face with his hand.

He thought I looked good in my dress; I should wear that dress on more often but forget that...he thought I looked good!

"Alright Riley, I think that's enough" Cole finally says with a fake smile towards Cole.

"What man, you never let me tell them how you were sniffing your jacket because her scent was still on it"

This time instead of laughing I look down at the desk to hide my red cheeks. He was sniffing his jacket?

I thought I was weird for smelling him each time he walked past but looks like he was doing the same.

"Do you mind telling all of us what's so funny?" Mrs Allen says from the front of the class.

"No miss" Jas replies back trying to cover up her laughter.

Cole still has his hand on his face and I can't help but to let out a small smile anyway- I guess we're both mutual on a few things.

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