Chapter Eight

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"Mrs Allen, I can't really see the board" I say to her as I rub my sore neck from having to turn around too much.

"Well then go and sit next to Cole" She points out with a smile.

Yes, I knew she would fall for it!

"I'm pretty sure he won't bite, go and move next to him" She says with a laugh when she sees that I haven't moved from my seat yet.

Turning around I look at Cole 

Turning around I look at Cole 

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Who is smiling at me

 Giving an intermediate reaction of butterflies in my stomach

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 Giving an intermediate reaction of butterflies in my stomach.

Sliding my book and pen towards him I get up and walk around Gabriel so I can sit next to Cole. Once I sit down I get a beautiful smell radiating off from him.

I need to ask him what perfume he wears on one day because he smells so good! Catching a glimpse of him his eyes are focused on the board.

"So everybody makes a note of this because we will have a small practise test on it next week" I groan out loud along with everybody else.

"Why don't we just do an open book test?" Gabriel asks to which Mrs Allen gives him a 'don't push it look'.

"This is just practise for your actual exams so we might as well make the most of it" She goes towards her desk and starts to hand out some booklets to us.

"Ah man, just when I thought these tests stopped" Riley groans resting his head on the desk.

"They'll help you for the future bro" Cole says pulling a small curl on his hair.

I let out a small laugh at his small gesture; Cole faces me and gives me a wide smile.

"Clara I thought you were on my side" Riley says sniffing pretending to cry.

"I never said anything" I reply back holding my hands up in surrender.

Mrs Allen comes over to our table and gives us the booklets which she was giving to everybody else. Looking at the booklet I see that they are questions to help us prepare for the test.

"I hate science!"

"You might want to consider what you just said out loud Clara" Looking to my side I see that Mrs Allen is still standing beside me.

Feeling my face go red in embarrassment I look down at the table and scratch the back of my head in habit.

"What I meant to say was" Looking back at her with a wide smile "That I love science" Mrs Allen laughs and gives me a small slap on the head before walking away.

"And I thought I was more out spoken" Riley says looking impressed with me.

Rolling my eyes at him I stick my tongue out.

"I swear we should put the both of you in a playgroup together" Gabriel says while shaking his head.

Cole laughs at this and gives Gabriel a high five. Does that mean he thinks I'm childish? I don't want him to think I'm childish; I want him to think that I'm mature.

Don't worry Cole, next lesson at the end of today I'll show you that I can act mature as well.

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