Chapter Ten

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"Jas he just texted me!" I scream into the phone.

Jas screams back as well with me as I jump up and down on the bed in excitement.

"What did you say back to him?" She asks me while taking deep breaths.

"I don't know, that's why I called you" I say letting out a small shriek of enthusiasm.

"Alright, have you been online?" She asks me.

"No, I just saw the notification and quickly called you"

"What did he even write?" She asks not sounding so interested anymore.

"He wrote that he got a few plans for the project with a smiley face"

"God Clara, you're such a party popper" She says with a frustrated groan.

I feel my smile drop at her choice of words.

"Can you really blame me for being so happy I mean, he did ask for my number after what I did" I say remembering what happened in the cafeteria.

"Alright, I guess I don't blame you because if that happened to me I would never show my face ever again"


"Look the door's open" Jas says pulling me with her.

We both peak our heads in the door to see that the dance room was empty. We both give each other a high five and run into the room shutting the door behind us.

"I'm so happy; it's been a whole year since we were last in here on our own" Pulling my jumper off I'm left in my tank top and leggings.

Jas takes off her top and puts on a tank top from her bag.

"I see you came prepared" I say pointing to her bag.

"Trust me, now let's light it up" Jas pulls her phone out and plays Light it up by Major Lazer.

We both start dancing like idiots and do things like the wave.

"Jas watch me twerk" Standing in front of the mirror I start to twerk while I hear Jas laughing from behind me.

I laugh while doing this but can't hear Jas laughing even more, looking over my shoulder I let out a loud scream and end up falling down on the floor landing on my knees hardly.

"You ok?" I feel his hand on my back as I try to get up without putting any pressure on my knees.

I hate Jas so much, why did she not tell me that Cole, Gabriel and Riley came into the room?!

"I'm ok" I tell him as he helps me fully get up.

Not looking him in the eye, the music is no longer heard and it's just silent everywhere.

"Are we going to hit the weights or what?" Riley asks out loud.

Turning away from Cole I grab my bag from the door and run out of the dance studio completely embarrassed about myself.

"Clara, wait!" Cole.

Turning around I see him running towards me with a small smile on his face.

"I actually wanted to give you something" He says with the smile still on his face.

"You want to go me something?" I ask him confused.

"Yeah, because we're partners together for the project I thought it would be a good idea to give you my number so we can stay in contact and just know where we are all at" Cole, Cole is giving me his phone number!!!

"Of course" Unlocking my phone I hand it over to him and see him put in his number.

"I just called myself through your phone so I have your number now as well"

"That's perfectly fine" I say not being able to contain my smile.

"See you around later" He walks off back into the dance studio leaving me feeling like jelly.

(End of flashback)

"Come on Jas, what do I write to him?"

"Ask him what the ideas are and just tell him your opinion and then just gradually drag on the conversation asking him what he's doing blah blah blah"

"You're a lifesaver; I'll screenshot the conversation for you"

"You better, I'll be waiting"

"Bye Jas" Cutting the phone off I open up Cole's message and keep re-reading it.

He added a smiley face- so cute and he's online!

Clara: That's so great to here, what have you thought of so far?

The message has gone through and seconds later he's seen it from the arrows turning blue and I see that he's beginning to type.

Cole: I was thinking we could do some experiments.

Clara: That sounds good. I think it would be a good idea if we all came up with one experiment each, show each other and then agree which one sounds better.

Cole: That's a very good idea Clara, I'm glad I asked you first.

He asked me! Not Riley or Gabriel but me, I feel so special.

Clara: So how are you doing?

Please say this works and Cole doesn't think I'm such a weirdo.

Cole: Just a little tired but I'll survive

Clara: You should get some rest then; I don't want to bother you

Cole: You aren't bothering me, don't worry.

I'm about to type when I see that he is typing something instead. Erasing my message I wait to see what he has written and the next words I swear are going to make me pass out one day.

Cole: Is it ok if I can call you?

Clara: Sure

That sure in my head is very exaggerated, I see Cole's number on my phone and I quickly swipe right to pick it up.


"Hey" He replies back with his smooth deep tone which made me melt from the first day. "I hope you don't mind me calling it's just I'm too tired to type"

"Oh no problem, I feel the same sometimes as well"

"So ho-"

The door to my room opened with a bang revealing mum standing there with a stern look on her face.

"Sorry hold on" I say to Cole through the phone.

"No problem" Raising my eyebrows at mum I mouth what's the matter.

"Why aren't you asleep?" She asks looking at the phone in my hand.

"Mum, it's only eleven o'clock"

"Yes Clara, it is eleven o'clock which means you have to go to bed" Letting out a groan I slap a hand on my forehead.

"Mother, it's a Friday night"

"I don't care if it's a Saturday night. Switch off your phone before I take it off you" She says with her grey eyes shining.

"Ok, ok. H-"

"I heard, I guess I'll talk to you later on then" Cole says laughing from the other line.

Great, he heard the whole conversation.

"Yeah sorry about that"

"No worries, goodnight Clara"

"Goodnight" Cutting the phone off I give mum a fake smile and slip into bed.

She switches my lamp off for me and shuts the door. Grabbing the extra pillow from beside me I put it over my mouth and let out the loudest and happiest scream I can!

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