Chapter Five

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"Jas his pen smells like that weird for me to say?" I ask her as I study his pen which I never gave back to him.

"You need to put that thing away, imagine if he decides to come into the library and sees his pen up your nostril" She has a good point.

Putting his pen down on the table I close my Maths textbook and lean back on my chair letting out a loud yawn.

"I'm so tired" I tell her. Jas nods her head agreeing with me and puts down her phone on the table.

"So, what's the next step to getting Cole?" I ask her.

A wide smile erupts on her face as she leans forward on the table so her elbows are resting on it.

"The next step is to just make small conversation with him and by that I mean act a bit dumb so he can help you out- guys love being know-it-all's" Nodding my head I make a mental note on that for the next time I see Cole in class. "Clara you whore, he just walked in the library" She says clutching onto my wrist.

I immediately turn around to see Cole did in fact walk into the library with Riley and Gabriel beside him. They're always together, he's never alone!

"What shall I do?!" I ask her with panic.

"Calm down, you're acting like they're coming here or something"

"Then why did you freak out so much when they walked in?" I ask with a raised eyebrow.

"For you...gosh"

Subconsciously I start playing with my fringe and smoothing it down with my fingertips.

"I'm going to return our books so we can go out and eat" I tell her.

She says ok and hands me her big book while I get up from my seat. Pulling down my dress a little I place the books on top of each other and start to walk to the librarian. Great, somebody is already there before me.

From here it looks like it is Gabriel- that means Cole is probably somewhere nearby. Ok, I need to control myself because I sound like a downright stalker at the moment. Collecting my thoughts together I let out a small breath and walk towards Gabriel's back.

Looking around me I see that the tables are empty here so everybody must be at the back then. Gabriel now shouts at the poor librarian who shrinks back in fear. Poor lady...everybody is scared of Gabriel.

He's a big monster especially with his intimidating height. I shall never forget the one time Jas said he was hot. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Gabriel because he's nice once you get to know him but let's just say he's not the best person to know at first.

Gabriel quickly turns around catching me off guard and bumps straight into me making the heavy books fall down on my foot.

"Ow!" I yell out.

"Shit, sorry" Gabriel mutters.

Clutching onto my foot I try to suppress the pain that I'm in and try my best not to shout at him for not looking where he's walking.

"It's ok" I manage to say to him through gritted teeth.

He picks up my books for me and just watches me clutch onto my foot in pain.

"Do you want to return these?" He asks with raised eyebrow while still flicking his eyes down to my injury.

"Y-yeah I do need to return them" He nods his head and once again has his back towards me while he returns mine and Jas's books.

Right, I'll need to put an icepack on this when I get home; hopefully it hasn't swelled or left a bruise. Letting go of my foot I apply a small amount of pressure to see that I will manage to walk around school for the rest of the day without being in the most pain.

"D-do you need help walking or something?" Gabriel asks.

"No I'm fine, I'll manage" Turning around I slow walk my way back to Jas before things could get anymore awkward between me and Gabriel.

"What in the world happened to you, did you finally lose your virginity?" Jas asks as I approach her.

"Will you for once not say something so stupid in your life?" I ask looking around in embarrassment.

Jas just never knows when to shut her mouth and she does not even get embarrassed quickly, it's like she hasn't got any fear or shame or whatever in her soul.

"Seriously, what happened're walking funny" She says looking at my legs.

Looping my arm through hers I lead her out of the library until I know we're clear of the library.

"Gabriel bumped into me and our big heavy books fell onto my foot" Jas being Jas starts to laugh at this causing a few people to look at her weirdly.

"Wow. It would have been better if it was Cole instead, he would have swept you off your feet like the knight in shining armour he is" She says.

"Shut up, you make me sound like a stalker sometimes"

"You are a stalker so don't blame me" She lays her head on my shoulder as we continue walking down the hallway.

"I think we all have them moments Jas. Don't you remember when you went after Bentley for a whole year to find out he was gay?"

"Don't even remind me"

"Ok so we have science tomorrow, you remember the plan right?" She asks looking me in the eye.

"Of course I do"

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