Chapter Fourty One: It Ends Tonight (final chapter)

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HEY Y'ALL! So, this is really it!!! BUM BA DA DUM!!! THE LAST CHAPTER IN THIS BOOK!!!! %@

BUT KEEP AN EE OUT FOR THE FOLLOWING: the epilogue, the soundtrack (posted like a chapter), and book two (To Heal The Wounded Soul)!!! Tell me opinions, I wanna know if this is a good ending!!! I worked REALLY HARD IN IT!!!! so please ENJOY IT IMENSLY!!!! Remember to check for updates!! The epilogue will be from Snapes POV!!! And Rhe soundtrack will be really awesome, with LOADS of great songs!!! And remember: VOTE COMMENT FAN!!!!



It was over. When Harry met us with us with the news of Voldemorts perminate demise, I lept into his arms and kissed his face. I was thrilled. I laughed "it's over, it's over!" and giggled as Harry blushed profously. I even sang along the chorus with Kingsly; "Now Voldys gone moldy, we've won!" I walked now, between Harry and Hermione, into the Great Hall.

Everyone was gathered here, though it was a sorry sight to behold, instantly putting ruin to my elated mood. Bodies of innocents scattered, and I saw people holding one another, bearing their losses. Cho and Professor Trelawney closed the eyes of a young girl and covered her with a blanket. As I walked through the hall, I saw so much sadness.

But worst of all, I saw the Weasleys at the front of the frey. And they were all holding each other, crying. I stopped, and my eyes went wide. It couldn't be. I counted the ones I saw. Mr and Mrs. Weasley, Ginny... Ron was with me... Someone lay on the ground on a spread blanket, and someone else crouched over him. The twins. I choked a sob and gasp, a few feet from them at the top of the three steps.

My cry was heard by the people, and I saw George look up at me, tear-streaked face and swollen red eyes. His red hair was a mess, and he was bleeding in places. He stod from his crouched position over his dead brother, and ran to me. I opened my arms, face twisting with pain, and helped close this distance.

George collapsed into my arms, his head in the crook of my neck on my shoulder, body racking with sobs of pain. I cried with him, holding him tightly. "I-I'm so so-rry..." I sobbed, hiccuping on the words.

George clutched my clothes in his fists, holding into me. "I couldn't save him..." Sobbed George, his voice so small and full of torture. To think of someone killing Fred... Daring, energetic, caring, fun and loving Fred... It was horrible. My friends. To think the last thing I said to him was "Please stay safe", and they promised me a celebration party afterwards.

There would never be a party. Too much death to even think of celebrating. I held George close, mourning for all the loss with him. "I w-ish I was th-ere with y-ou both." I hiccuped, pulling back and attempting to stop crying.

George looked so grief-stricken, like a small child. So broken down. He lost what he valued most in the world, the one who he never left sides with. His twin brother. "I lost my twin sister after only a few days together." I whispered to him, not trusting my voice full-on.

George nodded, calming himself. I hated to see him like this. My good friend. Him and his brother were the first to stand up for me when I was being bullied. They were both truly brave, caring, amazing people. The funniest by far. And wiped away from the world so easily.

So many have been brushed away from life tonight. I looked over at Freds dead body, layn peacefully and pale on a dark blanket. My mouth turned to a deeper frown and my lips quivered. George ran past me, into the arms of his other brother, Ron. Ron cried and held his brother, and Hermione covered her mouth, tears in her eyes.

I ran up to where Fred lay, and knelt beside him. I placed a hand on his cold cheek, tears splattering on my friends cheek. I put my head calmly on his chest, the empty silence and cold stillness sickening me.

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