Chapter Fifteen: Dinner And The Sweetest Desert

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Later that evening, I received a letter, sent by an owl I didn't recodnize. It was from Snape. I lept onto my bed and tore open the mail, reading it intently. The large black owl, Snapes no doubt, puffed his chest before hooting and taking off, back ot the open window. The note read:

Dear Claudinia,

Meet me in the dungons in one hour.


I clutched it to my chest, crumpling the parhmet slightly. The dungons? Why there? I heard that Snape prefers that area to quietly keep to himself, but it was a somewhat odd place to have a romantic interlude held. Nevertheless, I was excited. I jumped up and ran over to my wardrobe, flinging open the doors to find something to wear.

I shuffled through a few items before pulling out one of my black pleated mini skirts, and a tight fitting long sleeved black and white stripped shirt. I tossed the pair over my arm and went to my dresser next, grabbing a pair of knee high black socks, and my long black scarf, which was covered in black and white buttons. I ran into the bathroom, whizzing through a shower and tossing on my chosen outfit.

Knowing it would be quite chilly down in the dungons, I grabbed my Slytherin robes off the end of my bed. I still had ten minutes until the chosen time, which should give me ample time to make my way down. My hair was still a tad bit damp, though it was only noticeable from the cold. My hair would dry completely in a matter of minutes. Nightgown bounded off the window seat and newer at me as I began to step out of the door. I shook my head at her, and she cocked her head at me. "Not this time, Nightgown."

The feline mewed again. I sighed. "Sorry." I apologized. I slipped out into the hall and closed the door behind me. I felt a little bad for her, being stuck in that room, all by her self. Maybe I should get her a companion... Wait, what am I saying? I got her to be MY companion. I can't find my companion a companion. That would leave me companionless. Shaking my head, I continued down the hall, out of he dormitory, through the main halls, and all the way down to the dungons.

As I sunk lower into the cold, damp, gloomy place, I realized why Snape came down here. Who in their right minds would choose this place, of all places, to stow away in? No one. Which is why Snape chooses this as his hide away. I tip-toed deeper inside, peering around me. There were light torches on the walls, thought that alone provided little light for my eyes. I drew out my wand from it's usual spot in my stocking, lighting up the room. "Lumanos." I mumbled, afraid my voice may echo. It helped, though I still saw no sign of Snape.

I cleared my throat. "Snape," I whisper-called. I waited a moment, and with no luck, called out again. "Snape? Where are you?" I was beginning to worry. What if this bad all been a set up? I had no proof that it was indeed Snapes owl sending me the note, and he DID say classroom before, though unofficially. The dungons WERE an odd location, on top of everything. What if-

"Claudinia." A voice said behind me, and I jumped, doing a full one-eighty, and shoving my wand at the perpetrator. It was Snape. I relaxed a let my hand fall to my side. "Sorry..." I laughed nervously. He seemed natural, as if expecting me to be skittish. "No problem." He assured me.

He took a step closer to me, grabbig my hand in his. He examined it, turning it over in his hands a few times, resting it palm up. He traced the lines of my palm with his index finger. "I want to should you something. He told me. I looked at him and nodded, letting him lead me there, still holding my hand intimately.

He led me to a spot in the dungons, somewhat secluded from the rest. However, it had been fixed up. Someone brought a long bench down, a small table full of books and scrolls, and a blanket, which was tossed carelessly on the bench. In addition, another table, this onearger and more fit to dine on, was placed with two wooden chairs, a candle lit in the center, and two plates adorned with delicious looking food set on it, silverwear set on napkins beside the plates.

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