Chapter 19

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(Nariah's POV)

After I got home I went straight to sleep. The next day came and there was a knock at my door. I open it to see Max's frantic face. His eyes swept over me checking for any marks. He put his hands on my huge belly and checked if there was any scars on there.

"Max are you ok?" I move his hands. "Your acting crazy."

"No I'm not alright Ri, why in the hell would you walk in the middle of the night by yourself woman? Your trying to make me have a heart attack aren't you?" He yelled throwing his hands up. I turned to walk in the living room.

"Well there was no-" I stopped, turning around to look at him. "How did you know that I went walking last night?"

"Because I got this text this morning and I rushed over here." He pulled out his phone. Before he could say anything else I snatched the phone out of his hand.

Unknown Number: Its your job to protect her now but it doesn't look like your doing a good job of that. She could've been raped, beat, or even worst, KILLED! Next time some shit like this happens I'm coming for YOU.

I look up at Max with worry. Was it that guy that saved me? Was someone else watching me?

"Do you know who this is?" I ask.

"Hell no and its weird as fuck." He runs a hand through his hair.

"Well it could be- Nevermind."

"No what were you going to say? Huh?" He pressed on. "That it was Valerio who sent me this message? Ri he is dead and people can't text from the dead."

"I KNOW DAMMIT OK? I KNOW." I screamed.

"Ok then stop bringing that shit up." He rolled his eyes.

"I'm going to slap the shit out of you one of these days." I pointed at him.

"Do it, I wish you would. Valerio might have let you do that shit to him but I wont." He pointed to himself.

He kept going and I zoned him out just staring at him nodding my head. He just kept going and running his damn mouth talking shit. Little did he know that I was crazy and would do anything and ask questions about it later. I put up a finger in his face telling him to hold that thought. I walked to my room grabbing my gun from under my bed.

When I get back out I hear Max still going and its honestly pissing me off. I see him standing in the same position in the living room. I raise my gun and fire it at the mirror next to his head making him jump.

"You want to keep talking shit?" I cock my head to the side.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why do you have a gun? You could've shot me." He paced in the living room.

"Well if I wanted to kill you I would've cause trust me I don't aim to miss, your just lucky I didn't want to kill you." I shrugged.

I went into the kitchen only to come right back out.

"I'm going to the grocery store." I grab my coat.

"The hell you are. If your going somewhere its gonna be with me." He grabs his keys. We walk to his white and black mustang.

"I'm going to rape your car. Literally." I looked at Max with a straight face. He looked back at me with a disgusted look. We both bust out laughing.

The ride to the grocery store was smooth. Once we got inside I went on a rampage finding and getting everything I wanted.

"Will you slow down. God you are fat." He blew out a breath.

"I am not fat you booty muncher." I gasp turning around slapping him upside his head.

"Yea and I don't fuck hoes daily." He muttered sarcastically.

"That's why you probably have HIV now." I roll my neck and walk away.

"That's offensive." He yelled after me. I laughed. We walk down the aisle and he runs to go get some chips.

I walk to the shelves and try to grab some hot sauce off the very top shelf. I couldn't reach it but a hand reached out and grabbed it for me. I looked to see a guy with the hood covering his eyes and nose. He hands the bottle to me, when I grab the bottle I noticed he had tattoos on his hands. Just like Valerio's. I shake the thought out of my head.

"Um thank you." I slightly smile.

He nods his head and walks away without saying a word. I felt hands on my shoulder and I jumped and turned around.

"Damn are you ok?" Max asked.

"Yeah it was just some guy that I saw." I waved my hand.

"Guy? What guy?" He scrunched up his face.

"I don't know I couldn't see his face he had a hood on." I shrugged.

"You mean like the guy that is watching you right now?" Max asked.


I turned around to see what he was talking about, low and behold the same guy was standing there staring at me. As soon as he noticed me staring he smirked and left from my sight.

"Maxy I think I have a stalker." I turned and said to Max.

"Looks like it, but don't worry I will protect you."

We pay for our food and walk out the grocery store. When we get back to my house I cook dinner and eat with Max. While I'm eating I get a text from a unknown number.

Unknown Number: Oh bambina you don't need protection from me. I wouldn't ever hurt you. Be careful next time you want to walk somewhere alone cause I hate for my babies to be hurt.

I stand up from my chair in a hurry. My vision starts to get blurry. Max hurries and rushes to my side catching me before I hit the floor.

"Ri what's wrong?" He yells out.

"He's back Maxy, Valerio he's alive." I whisper.

My vision goes black.

~These last two chapters have been really interesting. Who believes that Valerio is alive? Who thinks that its another person just messing with them? Welp have to wait and see. There will only be a couple of more chapters with this book just to let you guys know. Thanks for all of the support you guys have been giving me. The next chapter will hopefully be updated tomorrow. Please like and comment.~

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