Chapter 11

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(Nariah's POV)

   I watch Valerio get in his car and drive off. It honestly felt good to punch him in the throat. Apart of me felt bad that I did that to him but that was a very little part. He doesn't know what I'm capable of. Maybe just to him I'm a doctor/waitress. I'm way more.

   I head to the office to do some paperwork before taking in patients. My assistant/Bestfriend Kelly walked in.

"Hey hot stuff." She sat on the corner of my desk.

"Hey babe." I laugh.

"Where the hell have you been? Is it because of that hunk of a man that came by the office with that romantic shit?" She wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"No not exactly, you know I still have the job at the restaurant." I looked at her with a eyebrow raised.

"Ugh why don't you just quit that job you get good money here girl." She throws her hands up. "Oh and you have flowers."

"From who?" I ask.

"I don't know I think it was Valerio I think."

"Ugh really give me them and as far as the restaurant job you know they are like family to me Kelly and I can't just leave them like that." I blow out a breath.

"So what your gonna work there forever because you leave them." She puts finger quotation marks around leave them.

"No one day I will leave." I shake my head.

"Now move your fat ass off my desk so I can finish my work." I push her.

   After she leaves and brings the flowers back I get back to my work. I was almost done and there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" I yell.

   The door opens revealing a smiling Johnny. I shake my head at him getting up, giving him a hug.

"What are you doing here?" I smile. "Your next appointment is not until June."

"Oh I know I was coming by to see how my friend is doing."

"Oh that's nice would you like something to drink?" I offer.

"Uh no I will only be staying here for a second to say hi, I have to get to a game with my boys." He points towards the door.

"Oh ok well it was nice seeing you." I hug him goodbye.

"You too see you around love." He walks out.

   The rest of my day consisted of taking patients and going home to change to give Valerio a little surprise.

(Valerio's POV)

   I was sitting at a booth in the club watching strippers shake they ass. Max was saying something to me but I didn't pay him no mind.

   A stripper makes her way towards me asking if I wanted a private dance.

"No thank you."

"Your loss." She rolls her eyes and walk off.

   This hoe must have loss her damn mind talking to me like that. I'm going to let it pass for now.

"What's up with you man? You would usually tell them off." Max taps me.

"I don't even know. Just tired I guess." I brush my hand over my face.

"Well take your ass home and go to sleep."

"I think I will." I get up and leave.

   As I pull into my driveway, I notice my door is open. I pull out my gun and take the safety off.

   When I walk into the house I head to the kitchen and notice the lights on. I see a women standing there sipping wine. Her back was facing me but I know who it was from the big ass she had. Nariah.

"I told you I wanted nothing to do with you and I wanted you to leave me alone." She announces.

"How the hell do you know where I live." I shout.

"First don't raise your voice at me, Second I have my ways." She takes another sip.

   I don't know why but the look she had put a ring of fear in me. She had this crazy look.

"Um Nariah are you alright tesoro." I slowly walk towards her.

   Next thing I know I'm ducking out of the way from a vase with flowers.

"What the fuck Nariah?!?" I should looking at the broken vase.

"What?" She smiles.

"What is wrong with you? Are you ok?" I grab her by her shoulders.

"Oh I'm fine." She turns around and goes to a cabinet where I held all of my sharp knives.

   I knew where this was heading so I hauled ass out of that damn kitchen. I duck from knives being thrown at my head and past my head. I run into my room and lock the door.

   I hear her coming down the hall and stand in front of the door.

"Come on Valerio come out come out wherever you are." She wiggles the door knob.

"No bitch you crazy." There was a moment of silence.

"Did you just call me a bitch?"

"Hell yeah." I yell.

The door suddenly opens and in comes Nariah. She punches me in the mouth and gets on top of me with the knife pointed at me.

"Don't ever call me a bitch and this should be a lesson to leave me the hell alone Valerio I want nothing to do with you." She brings the knife down next to my head.

   I flinch and push her off of me. By the time I stand up she is out of the door and out the house. I shake my head. This girl is crazier than I thought.

   I go downstairs and clean up the broken glass and wipe up the water. After I finished getting cleaned up and pick up the knives I take a shower and go to bed.

   Before I actually go to sleep I text Nariah.

"Tesoro I didn't like that little show you out on. You think that it was suppose to scare me and keep me away from you? Well it didn't. I will be seeing you soon."

   After I sent that I went to sleep smirking.

~WEEEEELLLLL Valerio isn't the only one whose crazy I see. Comment and like.~

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