Chapter 10

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(Valerio's POV)

   Currently I'm sitting in my office chair smoking a blunt thinking about what Nariah was saying. I honestly didn't care that she was angry with me. If I always gave a fuck then I would be the most feared man in the mafia.

   She may think I'm crazy or just flat out heartless but then again I don't give a fuck. She might not know it but she was mine as soon as I walked into that doctors office.

"Boss." My third in command Ethan runs in saying.


"We have a problem," He pants. "The Skull gang is out on the front lawn demanding that we give them the money we owe."

"These guys must be fucking stupid because I don't owe shit and they want to step on my territory." I chuckle darkly.

I go out to see what the problem was but as soon as I step out gun shots are being fired. I kneel down and pull out my desert eagle and start firing back.

"Come on Valerio give up we have you outnumbered." The Skull leader yelled.

"Fuck you, you dirty ass dick sucking bitch I'll never give up." I reach for the AK-47 next to me standing up shooting.

After a couple minutes of shooting most of them are dead or injured most of them ran away like little pussies. When I turned around to go in the house there was a man standing there with a gun pointed at me. He shot me in the stomach. I fell down to the ground groaning.

Black dots were in and out of my vision, I could hear yelling and a couple more gun shots. I was picked up and put into a car.

"Shit take him to the hospital right fucking now!!" Max yelled.

"No." I gasped out. "Take me to Nariah."

Blackness took over my vision.

(Nariah's POV)

I was pulling up in my driveway from Alex's house. I get out and lock my door. I fumble for my house keys in my purse. As I walk up to the door I notice that it's open with blood on the door handle.

I slowly push the door open and follow the blood trail to see a very pale sweaty Valerio on the couch with a bullet wound. His friends are around him doing everything they can to keep him awake.

I push them aside and set all my things down and kneel in front of Valerio inspecting the wound before pushing my sleeves up.

"Ok I need a bowl of hot water, bandages, a knife, needle and thread, tweezers, and alcohol," I take his shirt off. When I realized they weren't moving I yelled. "NOW!"

They started scattering around the house getting everything I said. They came back with 2 bandages, a huge bowl of hot water with the tweezers in them.

"I need you to hand on Valerio, this is gonna hurt a little." I stroke his hair.

I sanitize the tweezers and knife. I start to cut open the wound a little. I take the tweezers and pull the bullet out and place it in the water. I pour alcohol on the womb.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHH!" He thrashes.

"Hold him down or he's going to bleed out!" I yell at the men. They run over and hold him down.

I finished cleaning the wound up, I sew him up while he was groaning in pain. I wrap the bandage around him tightly. After I was finish with everything and Valerio drifted off to sleep I brought the guys in the kitchen.

"What the hell happened?!?" I cross my arms.

"That's none of your busi-" I cut him off.

"Please asshole miss me with the bullshit ok because if it wasn't my business then why in the fuck are your showing up in my house with a bloody ass Valerio that got shot? Huh?" I point my finger toward the living room.

"Look a little disagreement happened that's all." The blond one says.

"I'm not bout to press anymore about it. Just take him and leave." I walk to my room.

"W-what? Right now?" One of them stuttered.

"Yes right now just make sure he stays hydrated." I turn around. "Goodnight."

   After that I went to bed early.

(Valerio's POV)

   I woke up with a horrible headache and a pain in my stomach. When I sit up I realized that I was in my own bed.

'What the hell?' I thought to myself. 'I thought I told these assholes to take me to Nariah's house?'

I take a shower and put my clothes on. I head downstairs to see what was going on. When I reach the bottom of the stairs I see the guys sitting on the couch eating and drinking a beer.

"Why didn't you guys take me to Nariah's house like I told you to?" I yelled out and then groaned from moving towards them.

"Boss we did and after she fixed you up, she kicked us out and told us to take you with us." Ethan said standing up.

I nodded my head taking in what they said. I kind of figured that Nariah would do something like that since I sent her that little gift.

"Well thank you, but I think I should pay her a little visit," I turn to get my car keys. "To thank her of course." I smirk.

I walk out the door and get in my car and took off. As I was driving to her house I was thinking how mad she would be on a scale 1 to 10. I shrug and continue driving.

Soon I pull up in her driveway and see her car is still here. I walk out and go to knock on the door. A minute passed by and she answered the door. She didn't let me in, just leaned up against the doorframe.

"You going to let me in?" I smiled.

"No." She bluntly said. My smile dropped. "What are you here for Valerio I already helped you?"

The next thing I know I'm being punched in the throat. I desperately try to breathe.

"WHY IN THE FUCK WOULD YOU BRING A DEAD PERSONS HEAD TO ME YOU SICK FUCKING BASTARD?!?!?" She yelled with a vein popping out her neck. I sit down on the porch to catch my breath.

"To show that your mine princess," I coughed. "And to let everyone know that if they try to intervene with that then they will know the consequences." I cough some more. I finally get my breathing normal again.

"Well get this through your thick fucking skull, soul, heart, and mind," She whispers in my face. "I am not yours and if you call me a whore again then the next ass whooping I'm going to give you will be worse."

"Well I came to thank you bambina, but never mind since you want to be rude and beat people's ass." I turn around and walked to my car.

"Ok? You think that hurts my feelings?" I turned around to see her shrugging. "I'm going to need you to stay the hell away from me Valerio and I'm serious, it's obvious you are insane." I smirk at her.

"Hate to break it to you tesoro but that's never gonna happen," I yelled. "Because your mine."

~Ok so we all found out that Valerio was crazy. What else is new. Hope you enjoyed this chapter~

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