Baba- Chapter 20

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Heyy guys! So sorry this is taking so long to update. I just sold my pig 'Gerard' at the Del Mar fair in San Diego. Does anyone know about it? Well anyways, yeah. But now my hands are free for typing. So, forgive me and more chapters are gonna come. I love All of you guys. I am so appreciative that you guys vote and comment. Thanks. So, let's get on to what you want ya?


Ashley's P.o.V.

I woke up with my stomach hurting. Crap. Maybe I shouldn't have eatin' four steaks then just fall asleep. Groaning, I get up from my bed. My muscles are sore. This was not a comfortable position to sleep in.

I look at my dresser and see it's 5:59 a.m. I woke up before my alarm. The clock turns to 6:00 a.m. and the alarm blares in my face the annoying tune I set it to so I could wake up. Turning it off I groaned again. "I don't wanna go to school." I said complaining to nobody. Wait... Nobody?

I looked around and saw that both mom and dad were gone. Did they seriously just leave me here?? Ugh! What about school? I swear, if they abandoned me to do some freaky stuff, I'm ignoring the both of them.

Mumbling to myself about my 'unreasonable and dumb' parents, I got up out of my bed and got ready for school. It's still barley Wednesday. A lot has seriously happened within the last few days; I broke up with my boyfriend, Got another one who is the son to my uncle, Found out my parents are getting married, and Uncle Mamo tried being an uncle. Holy shit, this is a lot to take in. I just hope that nothing else insane comes up.

Looking through my closet, I picked out my blue, black, and gray plad shirt dress thingy. And I grabbed my light blue pre-torn jeans. Then I shuffle away to the shower. When im done with my shower, I get out and get dressed for school. Looking through my jewelry, I take out black beads and a black lock/clock/ key necklace.I don't keep my hair down letting my natural wavy hair just settle.

Man, I really needed that shower. All this wedding planning shit has got me stressed out. Hmm.... The wedding plans. I look over to my plans being all over my bed and pick up a random note. Oh. It's my bridesmaids and groomsmen. I don't really have a fourth bridesmaid. I just left it blank.

I need a fourth bridesmaid. I wonder who would be good for it.... Omg! I just realized who would be perfect for it! She loves weddings, and she's my most favorite cousin of all time!! Lily-Anne! It's funny; she goes to my school but I haven't seen her in two months. Her parents tend to travel a lot by themselves. But this time they took her with them. They took her to California. Lucky.

Wait.... Would she even be back in time? I quickly take out my phone and check my calendar to see when she'd be coming back. I let out a sigh of relief when my calendar tells me that she is coming back in a week. Ah.... Timing loves me right now.

Right after school I'll see if I can get in touch with her to ask her. Mom and dad won't mind. They are too in love to care who their bridesmaids are. Besides, they also know that I wouldn't ruin this for them. I've been waiting for this for far too long.

As I put on my light blue converse, a cheerful chime goes off from my phone. That's moms ringtone.


Mother. I was mad. She left me here!

You're mad. I knew you'd be mad. Ashley honey I'm sorry. I was just having such a fun and beautiful night with your father. I didn't want it to end anytime soon, so we went to his secret house and we-

Eww. Mom. I don't need to know what kinda freaky stuff you two did. *sigh* I guess if you two were having fun I can let bit slide just this once.

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