Baba - Chapter 15

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Hi people howz y'all doin? Awesome I hope. If you guys can see the pic of me hugging a sheep then know thats why I havent updated in a while. I have to take care of her everyday, yes that includes weekends. Her name is Misty and she is just awesome. So if your wondering 'Why Taco take so long to update?' know that she is the reason. Dont get me wrong, i love taking care of her, but the downside is that it takes so long to feed her, walk her, give her a bath, clean her stall, and so many other things that I hardly have anytime to be on Wattpad. So im gonna try and update whenever i possible can! The sonf above is weiiten ny the awesome band My Chemical Romance, anf I am seriously addicted to them right now. So without further a do....

Ashley's P.o.V.

~~~Da next day~~~

      I am so confused. Why in the cheese balls would  warn myself?? Geez that's weird. Ugh, anyway I need to pick up Mr.Clingy for school. I knock on Uncle Otas door and Sano answers. "Hey. Time to go." He smiles and gives me a loooong hug. "Hi." He whispers in my ear. And for some reason, it gives me chills.

      Mom drives us to school and we head to the library. Why are we going here? Raito is here.... Its almost as if Sano wanted Raito to see us. Sure enough when we get inside Ratio is there reading a book. He looks up sadly as us. Don't be sad. Its just for show. Even though I knew he was pretending ro be sad, it still hurt me to see him sad. I look over to see Sano smiling like a baby. Hes enjoying seeing Ratio hurt.... Jerk. Don't smile at his hurting.

      We walk over to Raito and I give a weak 'hey' to him. He gives one back and stays silent. "So um how are you doing?" He looks up at me and his eyes seem to swirl with anger. "I dunno. My girlfriend just dumped me for some idiot. Even though I still think that she should be with me and not the damn idiot, I cant do anything!" I gasp at him. (Me and Raito already have this planned out. Its all an act.  He will be the jeleous ex boyfriend, and me the damsal in distress.)  "I thought that you understood!" He got up from his seat and yelled, "Well I lied! I still like you Ashley! I always have and always will! Ashly come back to me!" He takes my hand and sais, "Ashley Baba, I like you! I want to be with you! Wont you date me again? Leave this loser, come back to me." I pull my hand back pretending to be in shock. "No! Whats wrong with you?"

Sano's P.o.V.

      He thinks he can just touch Whats mine? Well he is so wrong. Im gonna break him. I reach out to Raito grab his collar and punch him squzre in the face. Ratio sreps back surprised and holding his nose. He lunged at me and we get into a fight.

      My poor Ashley is just standing there in shock not knowing what to do. Okay, I maybe might have forgoten twhaf were in a library. The next thing I know the librarian comes stomping over. And now were being thrown out. But does that stop the fight? Nope.


Okay dont kill me but its midnight and i am tired! I can barley keep my eyes open. Anyways thats it for now. Ill update later if i can. Byeeee

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