Baba - Chapter 8

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Hey guys I'm back! Did you miss me? I bet you did....don't lie. Haha. The pic above is Ashley. Isn't she cute? Okay um so, thanks everybody for sticking with me! It means so much, love you guys!! ❤ Enjoy this chapter!


Ashley's P.o.V.

      How am I going to handle this? My best friend likes me. Geez, if I say I will be his girlfriend, will mom and dad even appr- wait! The hell?! Do I like him?! I guess I kinda do like him, if I'm freaking out about this.

       I'm sitting in class and Raito sits right next to me. He keeps staring at me....creepy. I stare at him and try to see if I like him. I see his eyes....hazel, his hair....brown. Huh? I look down suddenly. I'm....blushing?? I-I do like him! I can feel my cheeks growing even hotter. I guess I'll say I'll date him. But I have to ask mom first. I sigh lightly then my hat falls down to the desk. Huh? That's right, dad has to approve too.

      For some reason every time I see a hat I think of dad. I look up and put my hat on my lap. "Hey, you okay? Your cheeks are bright red." I smile and say,"Y-yeah. I'm fine." My voice came out more shakey than I thought. Raito notices I'm nervous and chuckles. Damn you Raito! Your my best friend so you know when I'm nervous.

~~~Timeskip to after school~~~

      "Hey Ashley, could you stay after for an hour and help clean?" My last period teacher Mr.Izumi asks. "Sure, just let me tell my mom." I replay. He smiles and walks away. Raito comes up to me smiling brightly. "Are you cleaning after school too?" I nod. He smiles even bigger and walks away. I take out my phone and text mom:

Hey mom, I'm staying after school for an hour or so to help clean. -Ashley

      Not soon after she replies:

Okay hun, see you in an hour. Do you want me to pick you up?

Uh, no thanks. I'll walk. I look up from my phone then look back down. I have something important to talk to you and dad about when I get home. Love you.

Okay. Love you.

      I walk to Mr.Izumi's class and he hands me a broom. Me and Raito clean a bunch of classrooms for a little over an hour. It was really awkward, I felt nervous every time I looked at Raito. I don't think I've ever blushed this many times before in my life. Ugh, I'm so embarrassed!

      After the cleaning I go to the bathroom to wash my hands. When I'm done I walk out of the bathroom to see Raito standing next to the entrance waiting for me. I scoff, "Geez Raito. Stalk much?" He laughs, "Sorry. Do you want a ride home?" "No thanks. I'm gonna walk." He shrugs and waves."Okay. See you tomorrow."

      I use my time of walking home to find a way of telling mom and dad that I want to date. I wonder if they'll freak out. Will dad do something to him?! He can use a gun.

Evelyn's P.o.V. (While Ashley was in school)

      Buzz buzz

      My phone rings saying I have a text message.

      Hey mom, I'm staying after school to help clean. -Ashley

      I have a mini conversation with my daughter. My little Ashley. She just loves to help people. I wonder what she wants to tell me and Baba. I hope everythings okay.

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