Baba - Chapter 4

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Hey guys! Sorry I didnt update yesterday. I promoted and spent the rest of the day with my grandma who I haven't seen in years. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Oh, and a special shout out to Kiss-me-in-Paris for always commenting and being very supportive.


Baba's P.o.V

When I wake up Ashley is still asleep. I look at the clock and it says 8:10. I get up and take a shower. I put on my usual suit and hat. Geez, Ashley is still sleeping? How much does she need to sleep? Doesn't she have school? Its Thursday. Should I wake her up?

I shake her shoulder trying to awake her up. She just moves around. "Wake up Ashley." I say. "Leave me alone mom." She mumbles. Mom? "Come on wake up! You can't sleep all day." I shake her again and her eyes open suddenly. "Ah!" She yells.

She sits up and rubs her temple. "Ugh, why did you wake me up?" She looks at me with a mad face. "I don't have school you know." "Uh. Sorry." I say shrugging my shoulders.

"Did you have fun yesterday? On your date?" She asked. I was surprised by her question and stayed quiet. "Hello? Anyone home?" She says waving her hand in front of my face. "Huh? Um.. My date when fine." I said. "Except." She looks at me with worry. "Except?" "I almost got run over by a silver Honda." When I say that she looks like she's gonna pass out.

Ashley's P.o.V.

Did he say silver Honda? Was that mom? I think she was looking for me. It was Baba's turn to wave a hand over my face. "S-sorry. I was thinking about something. Are you OK?" I hope he wasn't hurt. "Yeah I'm fine. It was an inch away from hitting me."

"I'm glad you didnt get hurt." I say. Then I turn curious." Hey um,Baba?" "Yeah?" "What do you do for work?" I want to know everything about my father. "Can you keep a secret?" He says with a a smile. I nod like an idiot. "I am a thief." My eyebrows go up with shock. "But I'm not your average thief, no." He puts his hands in fists and puts them on his sides. He poses like a superhero," I am The Great Lupin!" My mouth drops open.

My father is the great Lupin!? "My role model is you?! " I acidentaly say about loud. And as soon as I say that my hand goes to my mouth.

"Did you say role model?" He looks happy. My hand still covering my mouth I shake my head. "Do you follow my work?" He asked holding back his laughter. I shake my head against . Boy am I glad I didn't say the first thing out loud. When should I tell him? I give up.

"Ugh...fine. I think The Great Lupin" I say 'cool' quietly so he can barley hear me. "Sorry what was that?" He says putting his hand behind his ear. " I said I think The Great Lupin is Cool!" I blush embarrassed by my choice of words. He bursts out laughing. "Hahaha! I heard you the first time! I just wanted to hear you say it again! Hahaha!"

"You jerk!" I yell at his face. I punch him in his arm to teach him a lesson. "Oww!" He says rubbing his arm. "Ashley, violence isn't always the answer you know. Come here." He grabs my arm and starts to tickle me. I laugh because I am seriously ticklish. This is weird....but I don't care. We are acting like a real father and daughter. Even if he dosent know. I love daddy.

 I can't just let him tickle me so I fight back. Apparently Baba is ticklish too. I'm glad. When our tickle fight is over we sit wiping tears away from laughing so hard. "Ota was right." He says after a while. "Your a pretty cool kids Ashley." I smile. "Thanks."

 Haha. You wouldn't think I am pretty cool if you knew that I'm skipping school just to find you. And now that I have found you. I'm just to lazy to go back. He he. I need to know if dad still remembers mom.

 "Hey Baba?" "Mm?" "Did you ever love anybody?" He looks shocked as I say that. He looks like he pain. "I did." He says." I loved twice. Each one was different. One was a girl whos house I had broken into. I meet her and we feel in love." That doesn't sound like mom "I left her. I hurt her. I vowed to never hurt another woman again. Then I meet her." He seriously looks sad now. I have to hug him. I sit next to him and slowly wrap my arms around him squeezing my dad. "She made me feel happy. She was a maid. Here at this hotel. Sold, just like you. I bought her and after a while I fell in love again. I kissed her and she slapped me."OK that sounds like something mom would do. " She ran... I didn't see her for a while but it turned out that she loved me too. So I was confused on why she ran from me. She followed me on one of my robbery's. We saved kids, orphans, that were kidnapped. After that I took her to my favorite place and this time.... She asked me to kiss her. We were together and happy after that. But one day she just left me.... With no note, no reason, no word. That was sixteen years ago."

All while he was talking I stayed silent listining. I felt sorry for my dad. I really did. He loved mom sooo much and she just left him. "I wonder if she just stopped loving me." He says. And he starts to cry. "I loved her! I still love her! I would do anything to see her again....just once!"

 No! Dad! She still loves you too! She would always say she still loved you, and she left to protect you! Daddy please don't cry. I can't take it anymore! He has to know that I'm his daughter! He needs to know!

 I stand up and gather every ounch of courage I got. Taking a deep breath I manage to say, "She still loves you! She always has and she left to protect you!" He looks up at me with shock. "How would you know that?!" He seems angry now. So I take another deep breath,"Because....Because....Because I'm your daughter!!" I for some reason scream it. "She was Evelyn Martinez wasn't she?" He looks like he's gonna die, but he nods slowly. ,"Evelyn Martinez is my mother. And she would talk about you all the time. I barly figured out yesterday. I'm sorry."

He gets up and hugs me. He hugs me tight. "I have a daughter." He whispers, "Your my daughter!" I hug him back. I laugh and cry I'm so happy.



Eh? What do you guys think? Sorry I updated late. Busy day. Thanks so much for reading! Your the best! Wrote 1206 words! Yaay! Hope you enjoyed this chapter! Love ya! Bye for now! Taco out!!

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