Baba - Chapter 5

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Hey guys! I'm really sorry that I haven't updated in a week. My tablet broke down and I just got it fixed. My updating might be a little weird since my tablet is still being weird. Anyway thanks for reading this chapter! Hope you enjoy!

Baba's P.o.V.

I hugged my girl tight. I can't believe that I have a daughter! This feels like a dream, just one weird dream. I can hear her crying. "Hey, are you crying?" I look at her face and its red with tears falling down. "S-sorry. I'm just really happy that I finally found you. I've gone my entire life without you. A-and now your hear and its you..." She stops and just keeps crying. I wipe her tears and just hug her.
After a minute of me just hugging Ashley the door opens and Ota comes in,"Hey Baba...." He sees me hugging Ashley and looks at her. He goes over to her and whispers, "Did you tell him yet?" "You know I heard that right?" I say. She laughs and says, "Yeah, I told him." At first I don't get it but then it hits me. "Wait Ota knew that you were my daughter before I even knew?!" What the heck! "Yeah, she told me." He smiles like he is the best person ever. "She told me when I was watching her. A d I told her to call me her Uncle Ota." I glare at him. Wait... Was that why he was being weird when I came back? Oh well. "Are you mad?" Ashley asked. I shake my head. "No. I'm not." I turn to Ota. "Uncle Ota?" He bursts out laughing.
An hour later we are still in my suit just talking, telling each other about ourselves. We are laughing and having fun and her 'Uncle Ota' is telling her funny stories. We are actually acting like a family. I feel so happy. There is just one thing missing.... "Hey....Ashley." I say to her. Ota notices my face being serious and knows what I want to ask. He stands and says,"Imma go now. Bye Ashley." "Bye Uncle Ota!" She giggles.
Ashley has a big happy smile on her face. I hate to take it off. "Ashley." I say. She looks at me still smiling,"Yes?" How do I ask her this? Ummm.... I clear my throat trying to find the right words. "W-where's your mom? Evelyn?" When I finally just spit it out she looks shocked. "U-u-ummmm........"

Evelyn's P.o.V.

"Dammit!" I am still driving trying to find Ashley. "Where the hell is she?!" The only thing that I can think of is she could have gone out of the city or she could have looked at the hotel. I knew I shouldn't have kept those things. She could have grabbed them and went to go find Baba. Baba isn't the one to get things so quickly and Ashley is supper smart so she probably will figure it out first. "Wait.. I left them in my drawers." I say aloud. "If they are gone then she really did try and go and find her dad." I turn the car around and speed as fast as I could to my home.
An hour later I get home and slam the car door shut. I run inside and go to my room. I run to my drawers and open the top one.... "I knew it!" The photo of The Tres Spades Hotel and a bunch of other stuff is gone. "Baba. She went to find Baba!" I go to my closet and take down a small box. I hope it still works. I open the box and take out a card key. I never gave this back. I hope they didn't change it.
I put the card key in my bag and head to my car. When I'm the car I rush to the hotel. But as I'm driving I get a call.
*Ring ring*
*Ring ring*
I have to ignore it! But it could be the cops. "Hello?" I say answering the phone. "Hey there pretty lady. Have you missed me?" The voice on the other side sounds familiar....too familiar. It can't be! Can it? Could it? "Hello? Evelyn, are you there?" "Baba?" I finally say. "Yeah, are you home?" I stop driving, I'm at the hotel. "Umm, no." I hear him sigh. "Go home." What the heck? He just hung up. Doing what Baba told me to do, I go back home, again.
Is he going to be there? This will be a werid reunion. I look at my self in the mirror and see that I look like a mess. I pull over and grab my bag. Good thing I always keep makeup and a brush in here. When I make my self presentable I start driving again. This is really weird.
When I get home I opened the door and walked into the living room. My steps are slow and shakey. I was going to turn around and go to the kitchen but I pair of strong arms wrap around me and hold me tight. I-is it Baba? "I missed you pretty lady." My eyes go wide. It is him! "Baba." I whisper. He turns me around and kisses me.

Ashley's P.o.V.

"U-u-ummmm........" What do I tell him? What do I do?! Okay, I have to tell him everything.
So that's what I did, I told dad everything. I told him why mom left him, I told him what she did to raise me where we have been. I even told him our current address and her phone number. "Mom will be mad at me though." Dad looks worried. "Why?" He he. I think dad will be mad at me once I tell him. "Umm . I kinda sorta ran away from home to find you." Yup. Dad looks pissed. He looked seriously mad, but then he surprised me by smiling. "Oh well. I guess that if you didn't do that, I wouldn't know that you extist. He hugged me and then got up.
" Do you know if she likes surprise phone calls or visits?" I smile like an idiot and nod. "I know that she will defiantly be shocked to see you." He smiles and takes out his phone. "I'll be in the room." I go to the room and try and listing in on whats happening. "Hey there pretty lady, did you miss me?" I hear him say. Mom says something and dad says,"Yeah, are you home?" Dad sighs and says to mom,"Go home." He hangs up and puts away his phone.
I run to the bed acting like I've been there the whole time. He comes in and stares at me, "I know you were listing." He smiles. "Whaaat? Would I do that?" I say innocently. "Yes you would, you have me in your blood." He smiles "You know since I'm The Great Lupin and I'm cool." I know he is messing with me. "I'll be back later." He says, "Or maybe tomorrow." I know what that means. Mom is going to be surprised.

Hey guys! Hope that you enjoyed this chapter. What do you think will happen next? So I will do my best and my tablet will do its best to try and update soon. Love you guys and thanks for reading. Comment on what you thought, I would love to read what you thought! 1253 words. Yaay. Until next time, byee! Taco out!

KBTBB: Their daughters!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin