Baba - Chapter 2

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Ashley's P.o.V

When I wake up I can hear noises. I am gaged so I cant speak. What's going on? Mom! Help me! I'm scared! I can see anything yet but I can tell that there are a bunch of people.

When I regain my vision I can see that I'm in a huge birdcage and a bright spotlight is on me. I am on a stage, I can see that I'm in the center and there really are a bunch of people here.

 Wait! Am I going to be actioned off?! What the hell is going on?!? On my left I can see a tall man dressed as the mad hatter, I'm guessing that he is the guy who is going to action me off. I try to move but my hands are chained down. I try to break free but its no use. Everyone is watching me!

"Haha! And now for the last item up for bid, our grand finale! A young healthy Japanese girl! Keep her as your slave, keep her as your toy.... Do what ever you want....its truly up to you!"

 I don't want to be autctioned off!! I try again to break free, again useless. "Hahaha!" Laughed the actioneer, "Shes a fisty one isn't she?" Why is he dressed that way? He looks stupid. I cant give up, I am an adventurerer, I need to figure out a way out. Then I hear, "let's start the bidding!"

 Quick think! What would Lupin do? I need to think like Lupin! He is the greatest. "$500,000! 1 million! 1.2 million!" One by one I can see people holding up cards bidding money on me. Are moms stories true? " Oh look, seat #5 is bidding 2 million! Any other bidders? Going once...." I give up, I'm not getting out of this.

Tears start to fall from my face. Please mom, someone, save me! " 2 million going twice!! Annd!" Well, I'm going to be sold to some random person. "Seat #100 for $20 million! Oh my gosh, will anyone go higher? No? Sold! To seat #100! Congratulations!"

My cage is carried over to the side off stage. I am unchained to the birdcage but I remain gaged. When I get out two masked men approach me. The guy with the hat smiles and blind folds me. What the hell? Why smile then blindfold me? I hear one of them say," this way."

They are leading me somewhere. Where am I going now? Who even bought me? I need to be brave.

 I can tell that we went on an elevator. With my curios side I am actually really exited to see what is going on.

When they take off my blind fold I'm in a huge penthouse. I'm I still in the hotel? I see 5 guys. The two guys who brought me up here take off their masks. I gasp, "Your Ota Kisaki!" Ugh I sound like a fangirl! What is wrong with me?

 The guy with the hat laughs, "Looks like you have a fan Ota." I slightly blush. I see three other guys in here. Hey that's the guy called "the king" what's he doing here? He walks up to me and ungages me.

"We bought you. If you tell anyone about the actions, you'll dissaper and no one will see you again. Got it?" "Geez Eisuke could have been a little nicer?" Said the hat guy. "Who are you guys?" I say. He smailes again and sais, "I'm Baba, you already know Ota Kisaki and Eisuke Ichinomiya, that guy in the gray suit is Soryu Oh, and last that guy in the corner over there is Mamoru Kishi."

I didn't even see that guy. "Geez, dont give away my possition like that." Said Mamoru. These guys are weird. "Hey, Baba, she kinda looks like you." Said Ota. "Look she even has a hat kinda like yours. She also kinda looks like..." But he stopped talking because be got a mean stare from Soryu. When I looked at Baba he had a sad look on his face.

"Um.... What is going to happen to me?" I ask not sure what to do. Eisuke looks at me, "You are going to pick one of us to buy you." "Umm..What?"

"I'm fond of her already." Said Ota. "Wait what do you mean, pick someone. Is one of you going to buy me?" I'm surprised by the fright in my voice. Baba smiles, "pick me, I can treat you right." I am scared so I don't say anything. "Just pick one of us already! Youre taking to long." Eisuke said rather coldley.

 OK, what do I do? OK um think, maybe if I pick the nicest guy.... Baba seems OK. He looks nice and he did say he would treat me right. "OK, then I guess I pick Baba." He smiles like he won the lottery.

"Why do the girls always pick him?" Said Ota pouty. "I'm glad she didn't pick me. I don't feel like babysitting some teenager." Said Mamoru. "What do you mean again? Has this happened before?" I ask curiously.

Baba looks at me and says, "That is not for you to know. Come on." And he leads me up to his room.

Evelyn's P.o.V

"Where is she?!" I pace around my living room waiting for her to get home. I look at the clock, it reads 10:36. She left at 2:00! "I can't take it! Where the hell did she go?" I reach over for my purse to get my cell and call the police.

An hour later cops arrive at my door. "What time did she leave ma'am?" One of them ask me. "2:00. I didnt call the police earlier because I thought that she would be back by now." "OK." He writes down some things and askes me a couple more questions. When they ask me all of the questions they need, they leave.

Could she have went out to find Baba?! Please tell me didn't! No she couldn't have. I have to give the cops a chance. They have a picture of her, they can find her. If they don't, then she probably did go and try to find Baba.

Oh please, don't have gone out to find your dad. Please.

Ashley's P.o.V.

He shows me around and now we are both sitting on the couch, I have no idea what to do. "Um, what now?" Baba is leaning closer to me. Umm.... "What's in your backpack?" Huh? I forgot that was there. He reaches for my backpack and I let him take it. Why? "Clothes, money, a phone, a and a picture of The Tree Spades Hotel." He looks confused, "Are you looking for someone?" " Yeah, my dad, I never met him so I ranaway from home hoping to find him." I looked down sad that my quest has been stopped. "Aww. I'm sorry." He gives me back my backpack, but keeps my phone. "What's your name?" "Ashley. And your Baba?" Wait, how am I just noticing this? His first name is the same as my last. "Actualy, that's my last name." Huh? " My first name is Mitsunari. You know you kinda do look like me. Who's you-" but before he could Finnish he got a call. "Hello?" He answered. "Michi!" Some woman screeched on the other side of the phone. "Your late for our date!" He excuses himself and goes into the other room.

When he comes back he frowns and says,"Sorry I have to go. I'll be back later! I have a date. I'll ask someone to look after you while I'm gone." And he leaves.

 Did he say Baba was his LAST name? Didn't mom say I got my last name from my dad!? So that my dad?! Does he know who I am? I am shocked so I sit thinking tryingnto take it all in.

 "Hello?" Ota enters the room. He sees me and smiles. "Hey I never got your name, what is it?" I need to tell someone that that guy is my dad. So I muster up all my courage and say, "Can I trust you with something?" He looks at me with a weird look then says, "Yeah."

I take and big breath and,"My name is Ashely, Alshely..Baba. I... Think that guy is my dad."

"Huh?" Ota has a look of shock on his face.

What do you think? A good place to leave off right? Well I had a ton of fun writing this chapter! I bet you can't tell what's going to happen next. You guys are awesome! Thanks for reading! Comment on what you thought, I would love to read what you gotta say. I wrote 1471 words and counting, cool right? Next post is in a day or two! Well until next time, love ya guys! Byeee! Taco out!❤

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