Baba - Chapter 14

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Hallo! Who's missed me? I've missed me. Haha. I'm so happy to be writing again! I've missed writting for you guys! You all mean so much to me. Thank you for giving me support, you guys are what keep me going, you guys are my inspiration. ❤❤


Ashley's P.o.V.

      I hate this.

      Sano is so weird. I mean, he won't let go of my waist and he won't stop smiling at me! Right now I'm in dads living room (still not used to calling everything that is dads, ours.) Watching one of my favorite movies, Now You See Me. I kinda have a small thingy for Jack Wilder a.k.a Dave Franco and J. Daniel Atlas a.k.a Jesse Eisenburg. Don't judge their hot. (Seriously though.... They hot.) This movie would be even better right now is if Sano wasn't here. With his arm on my waist. Holding me. Ugh.

      "You okay babe?" Sano asked looking at me worriedly.  Did he just call me babe??   No I'm not okay, some freak I hate has his arm around my waist. He's a complete d**k head and I hate him. And he just won't go away! "Yeah, I'm fine. Just watching the movie." I give him a fake smile to convince him and it works. He smiles back and turns back to the TV.

       I hate doing this but to make him fall hard I've got to make my 'affections' for him look real, so I snuggle up closer to him. Some of his sent goes up my nose (That doesn't sound weird at all) and I feel kinda weird. Like.... Safe or something..... I don't know! I've got to forget whatever I just felt.

      After the movie Sano and I do our homework then he leaves. The second Sano leaves dad comes in. "What are you planning?" Did he figure out my plan?? I tence for a second but then quickly relax and say, "I don't know what you mean dad." I smile at him kindly and continue to put away my school work. "I'm not an idiot. I'm your father, Mitsunari Baba, The Great Lupin." He crosses his arms and smirks, "Everything you've got are from me. Now tell me your plan." He's right. I with in defeat and tell him my plan, "I'm going to trick Sano into thinking I like him, then I'm going to crush him. Saying that I don't like him, never have never will. And its all just revenge for stealing my first kiss. And the one I really like it Raito." He says nothing for a minute, his face blank and emotionless. Suddenly he smiles at me and says, "Great plan! Its awesome just like your father. Fool proof." I'm shocked at his words. He's not mad at me? "Umm. Aren't you mad? I'm playing as mean trick on Sano, Ota's son." He skaes his head, "Nah! Never really liked Sano anyway. Plus Ota's been trying to find a way to really punish him." His smile is contagious so I can't help but smile as well. There is also pride in his eyes and voice. I'm happy. "Hey. Can I be in the plan??"

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