Baba - Chapter 1

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I really hope you guys will like my stories. I am going to try my best. So right now its going to be 16 years later and Evelyn is at home.

Evelyn's P.o.V.

I'm at home washing the dirty dishes, Ashley is in the living room listing to music on her MP3. She looks so much like her father. She has his eye and hair color. She likes wearing hats, just like him. She just loves to steal things, she actually keeps track of The Great Lupins work. If she new that that man was her father, who knows what would happen.

*Sigh* I can't stop thinking about that day 16 years ago. My poor daughter Ashley not born yet. I feel so bad, she grew up without a father, and it doesn't help that I don't tell her much about him.

~Flash Back~

I gasp when I see Nakasu. Baba's arch enemy! He stares at me with such evil eyes.

"Your probably wondering what I am going to do with you." He said. I just stay silent and let my head hang. "Well don't worry, I'm not going to do anything to you, but I will hurt Baba." My head goes straight up and my eyes goes wide.

W-What does he mean? How is he going to hurt Baba?! He laughs at my face.

"Only if you follow my instrucions, no harm will go to your precious Baba." He looks at me with a stearn face and continues, "So what you must do is leave. Leave the Tres Spades Hotel, leave Baba and never see him again."

"A-A-And if I don't do that? What will happen?" He doesn't say anything but just smiles and laughs, "Why are you laughing? Wait, why do I have to leave Baba?"

"Because if you leave Baba will be hurt, in pain,and that makes me happy. If you choose not to follow my instructions Baba will end up dead, if you go to the cops with this he will end up dead. If you don't leave him and try something he will end up dead. So pretty much no matter what you do, if you don't leave him, he will die. Got it princess?"

"My name isn't princess! And yes, I see what you are saying." I look down thinking hard of what to do.

He looks satisfied, i hate that. "Good." He turnes to his men."Untie her." As they start to untie me Nakasu starts to leave but stops right before the door and sais, "You have two days to go leave him, or else, you know what will happen." With that said he leaves. The two guys are finnished untying me and they let me go home.

~Back at the hotel~

I'm already at the hotel. I was late coming home so I told Baba I went to see a friend. I haven't told him about Nakasu or the baby. But I can't hide my face and Baba notices something wrong. "Are you okay Evelyn?" He has a worried face on. "What's wrong? You can trust me." Tears threaten to fall and I hide my face.

Baba hugs me tight from the side and kisses my cheek. "Don't cry, it breaks my heart to see you cry. I love you ya know." Hearing that I just break out sobbing. I love him so much, I can't let him die so I have to hurt him and leave him, forever. Baba pulls me closer to him and I just cry into his chest.

I fall asleep crying. When I wake up Baba is already gone. Good, he isn't here. I can leave now, without him here it will be easier to leave. I love him so much! This is hard.

An hour later I have a bag packed and $500 with me. I leave the room and go to the lobby. I see Sakiko and say hi. "Please give this letter to Mr.Kenzaki." I hand her my resigning letter. "Your quiting?" She said sadly. I nod slowly. She hugs me and watches me leave. Luckily nobody was in the lounge when I went downstairs. God leaving is so hard.

~Back to present day~

It was so hard to get to were I'm at, especially since I was pregnant. I heard that they looked for me for so long. My poor Baba, I must have really hurt him. Its been 16 years years but I still love him.

"Hey mom." Said Ashley. "Yeah?" I say. " I'm going out for a while, like an hour maybe. Bye, love you, see you later." She takes a backpack and leaves.

"Bye." I mumble.

Ashley's P.o.V.

I left before mom could ask me where I was going. She wouldn't like what I am going to do right now. I have to runaway. I am going to look for my dad. I need to know who he is, no, I have to know who he is. I have gone my entire life without him, I don't think I could go longer without him.

I am going to go to The Tres Spades Hotel first, every story that mom tells me about it there at that hotel. She never tells me his name. She said that he had dragged her to a party but she left. She was in the basement when she broke something she was sold at an auction and he bought her. I m not sure I believe the action part, but I will check the hotel.

I take out some money from my pocket and perfect! Its enough money to get to the hotel.

When I get to the hotel I walk inside. "Woah!" I turn in circles looking around, "This place is huge!" While I was looking some girls squealed. "Omg! Its the king! Mr.Ichinomiya! Mr.Ichinomiya!" Girls all around started to run towards him, but as they were running one of them bumped into me and I started to fall backwards.

I close my eyes expecting an impact but all I feel is a pair of strong hands catch me. "Huh?" I open my eyes and see that the so called "king" had caught me in his arms. "Watch were you are going." He sais. He-he seems so mean. But before I could say anything he dropped me on my butt. "Ow!" He leaves and doesn't look back.

"Jerk." I mumble. I lift myself up and think of what to do next. I start to walk around when I see a door that sais Employees only. I don't know what it is but every time I see something that sais I can't go in, I go in.

Once I am inside I start to wonder around. I think this is the basement. There are a bunch of crates and boxes down here.


"Crap! She broke the vase!" One of them yelled.

"That cost $10,000! How are you gonna pay us?" The other one yelled. And before I could do anything they grabbed me. They drugged me with something and everything went black.

There is the end of chapter 1. Hope you guys liked it! I had a bunch of fun writing it! Commment on what you thought. I would love to read what you guys thought about it. I wrote 1236 words and counting! Next one will be posted in a day or two. Bye for now! Love ya guys!! 😆💟

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