Baba - Chapter 7

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Thanks for the support guys! Love you all! Hope you guys like this chapter! Bet you won't guess what will happen! Thanks for voting on my stories, it makes me really happy! Now to the story.....


Baba's P.o.V.

I was so happy to see that everyone was getting along. I still can't believe that Evelyn and Ashley are here with me right now. "You should call everyone Uncle." I say smiling to Ashley. "Haha. Okay. What do you think guys? Should I call you my uncles?" She had the biggest smile on her face, she looks so much like her mother. "Tch.. I don't care." Says Mamo smoking back in his corner.
I can't get enough of my family and friends. "Hey daaad..." Ashley is looking at me with a weird face. Evelyn laughs at me. What did I miss something? "Yeess?" I say. "Can we go out to eat for dinner, all of us?" She uses puppy dog eyes on me and I can't resist. "Okay, but you have to make everyone else want to go to." She has a smug grin on her face. "That won't be a problem. Hehehe." "Oh god." Evelyn half whispers and half laughs. I got a bad feeling that something bad is gonna happen.
The next thing I know Ashley is squeezing Ota begging him to come," Please please please please please please come Uncle Ota! Please say that you'll come! You wouldn't let your niece down, would you?" I burst out laughing. Hahaha this is funny! But Ota just smiles and says," Sure why not?" And he hugs her. "Yay. Thank you Uncle Ota!!" Haha, she is acting like a little five year old. Maybe that's her trick to get the guys to come. Calling them her 'Uncle'.
Next she heads over to Eisuke. "I'll come. Just don't squeeze me like you did Ota." Eisuke says looking at her. "Yay. Thank you Uncle Eisuke!" She hugs him, not squeezing. Sor is next. She waddles over to him smiling. She stopped right in front of him and is about to say something but he speaks first. "No. I won't come, and squeezing me won't make me change my mind." She looks down and says," Hmph, fine...." Soryu nods in achievement. "I won't squeeze you then." Sor looks surprised. Ashley looks up smiles evily and starts to shake Soryu as much as she can. I look over at Evelyn to see her have her hand over her face and laughing. "Fine! I'll go! Just stop shaking me!" Yells Soryu. Ashley stops shakig him and smiles. "Good. Thank you Uncle Soryu."
Last is Mamo. She skips over to him and smiles. "I don't care." He says. "Great!" She says, "Your going! Thank you Uncle Mamoru!" She hugs him and he pats her head. She goes back over to me and smiles. "See.... Not a problem." Evelyn laughs her cheeks are a little pink, embarrassed. "I guess its settled then. Were going out to eat."
~~~Time skip to the restaurant ~~~
We all sit down at a big table. Evelyn is on my left and Ashley is on my right. Both my special girls are at my sides... This is good. I look at Evelyn and admire her beauty. I will make her very happy tonight. I lean twords Evelyn and whisper soflty into her ear and say," Wait for tonight, then you'll really be happy." Her whole face turns a shade of bright red. I smile to myself and look at the menu. "Do you know what your going to eat Ashley?" I ask. "Yeah...the spaghetti." She smiles. "Sounds good. I say.

Ashley's P.o.V.

We arrive at a kinda fancy place and are seated right way. I am sitting on dads right sad and mom is seated on his left. I smile to myself at how I accomplished us being here.... Haha the looks on my Uncles faces were super funny! Especially Uncle Soryu's face. Dad is looking at mom with a weird face. He leans over to her and whispers something in her ear and moms face went bright red. Tch, probably something dirty. Mom did say he was a huge flirt. I rolled my eyes. " Do you know what you want to eat? " asked dad. "Yeah...." I lie. I quickly scan the menu and say, " the spaghetti." I flash him a smile to know I was happy. He smiles too and says," Sounds good."
When the food came I chowed down. I dont know why but I saw starving! We all ate, talked, and laughed together. Everybody was happy..... But Uncle Ota seemed distracted, his phone kept buzzing and he looked concerned. This made me suspicious.... I'm gonna have to go into super sneaky mode to see what he is up to.
Afterwards mom and dad said they wanted to go somewhere alone. He said it it was a house he ownes? Uncle Soryu had some mobster stuff to do.. Isn't it cool? My Uncle is a mobster! Uncle Mamoru had some detective stuff. And Uncle Eisuke had something to do somewhere. My Uncles have such cool jobs! So now that leaves me with the suspicious Uncle Ota.
I say that I'm going to walk around then go home and mom trusts me not to run away again so she gives me a card key to the hotel. I decide to see what my dear old Uncle Ota is up to and follow him. He calls someone, since I'm spying on him I can't be to close to him so I can barley hear what he is saying. After the call he walked to the park, I'm guessing to meet up with the person he was talking to on his cell phone? So when he got to the park he shakes hands with a woman and huges a boy,teen, looks around my age. What is going on?
I try to get closer to hear what there saying. They sit on a bench so I his behind the bushes behind them. "So Ota take him for the weekend will you?" Says the woman. He sighs and nods,"Okay." "Great, bye." "Aaannd she's gone." Says the teen. Uncle Ota puts an arm around the teen and says,"Cheer up Sano, we have the weekend together." Wait is that his son?!
"Come on, I'll take you back to the penthouse, I don't know when the others will be back so we have to be quick." Uncle Ota and this so-called Sano get up and start to leave the park. Why doesn't he want us to see him? I stealthily follow them back to the hotel. If Uncle Ota doesn't want us to see him then I better wait like ten minute before I go up too.
But six minutes later Uncle Ota comes out of the hotel and sees me. "Oh Ashley, are you going up to the penthouse?" Hmm, he seems nervous. "Yeah, I'm done walking around. Where are you going Uncle Ota?" "Uh, to go and buy....paints. I ran out of paint." "Okay, see ya later. Byee!" I wave at him and walk to the elevator. If Uncle Ota doesn't want us to see Sano then he would hide him in his room, right?
I get inside the penthouse and walk up the stairs to Uncle Ota's room. I open the door and see the teen on the couch, when he sees me his gets up all panicked. "W-w-who are y-you?" You know he isn't all the bad looking, he's kinda cute. "I'm Ashley. I sorta live here with my dad, Baba. Who are you?" I know his name but I want to see what he tells me. "I'm S-Sano. Sano Kisaki." My eyes go wide. So my instincts were right, this is his son. "So my Uncle Ota is your dad?" I say. He nods slowly then says, "Please don't tell anyone I'm here! The guys don't know who I am. My dad says they can't know, at least not yet."

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