Baba - Chapter 18

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Haii guys! How are you? Merry late Christmas! Hooray! So you see that dress in the picture slot? That's the dress Evelyn is gonna wear. XD Okay so let's get started! And don't forget to vote for the next bidder!


Ashley's P.o.V.

"Yeah. I-It's a wedding ring." Said mom. Her face red and shy but smiling. I look at dad and he's smiling like a proud lion. "Dad?" He nods his head.

None of them were prepared for what would come next.

"YYYYYYAAAAAAYYYYYY!! EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!' I screamed on the top of my lungs. I was so happy for my mom and dad, they were going to get married! We would finally be a real family! I was jumping up and down. I was just really happy.

The rest of the guys came in holding their hands to their ears. Ota came over and put a hand on my head to make me stop jumping and a hand on my mouth to make me stop screaming. Every one breathed a sigh of relief when I stopped screaming.

"Geez kid. You were about to make my ears bleed." Said Uncle Mamo. I blush and apologize for being loud. "Evelyn, I think your daughter was trying to talk to dogs in a way that only they could here." I look down in shame. "I'm sorry, I was just happy for what I just heard." I smiled and took a big breath. Sorry guys, but I gotta do it. "MY MOM AND DAD ARE GONNA GET MARRIED!!!! AND I'M HAPPY!!!!" Again I started squealing and jumping up and down. And again Uncle Ota had to calm me down.

It turned out that they already knew. And Uncle Ota helped out. I have him a death hug for a thank you. He said I could repay him by letting go of him and letting him breath. I gave him my innocent smile.

I can't believe that my parents are finally going to get married! Oh man I'm so happy! I can't wait to tell everyone! Heyy. Me again. One small problemo man. *sign* What now? Uncle Ota and Sano. How can you date Sano if he's in a weird way your not blood-related cousin. Oh. I hadn't thought of that. That's a real problem. Yup. That's why I brought it up. Okay. I'll find a way. The Great Lupin always finds a way. And so shall I. After all, i am part Lupin. Heh.

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