Chapter 30

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Thank you for reading. Please press that star if you are enjoying and comment some. It definitely makes my day not to mention it's so motivating for me to write  xx Love you Filia xx


"Still it would feel weird to work here if he is gone. I mean I'd miss him too much and this would be a constant reminder" I tell Mark hoping that my tone won't give my surprise away although my voice comes out shaky. I would hate for people to look down on him because he is a fucking twat.

"Ella" he says his eyes betraying the worry he is experiencing.

"Yes" I reply coldly looking straight at him.

"Excuse me, it was great meeting you Ella but I have a business to run" Mark shakes my hand but I am still looking at Harry who is waiting for me to crumble or burst but I am doing neither.

"The offer is on the table Ella" he tells me leaving us.

"Ella" Harry repeats. I don't move. I just stare at him trying to figure out what the fuck just happened. I am wondering what possible explanation he has but what I really want to know I just blurt out.

"How long have you known?" I shout so I can be heard over the music which is getting louder and louder adding to my annoyance.

"I am NOT leaving in a week"

"That's not what I asked Harry." He doesn't answer.

"How long?" I scream this time.

"A while" he shouts back.

"Way before we slept together?"

"Yes" he replies scared.

"Then why?" I shake my head and move to leave.

"Ella" he sounds defeated.

"Don't! Don't follow me. I need some space" I say and he nods. I mean it too. I don't want him after me because I will say shit I don't mean and this will get ugly. Jesus! I just got out of his fucking bed. He just made love to me, touched me, kissed me, moaned my name.
Before I leave I turn around unable to stop myself.

"You said you'd screw up and I expected it to be honest but I didn't expect it to be this soon and this big" I tell him and he is biting his lip. He doesn't know what to say and I don't blame him. I wouldn't know what to say either.

"To the moon and back"  I finish him,my words soaked in irony as I head outside as fast as I can. I wave "goodbye" to Sylvia and she instantly frowns but I don't stay enough to explain or anything. The minute I am out the chilly air brushes my cheeks and it actually feels good. I hail a taxi and give him the address mechanically. I need to process all this information. He is moving. He is going to Florence. Gucci's headquarters are there. It's not just a trip, he is moving. He is quitting his bartending  position here so it must be permanent. And he knew for a while. Suddenly everything makes sense now, the pieces of the puzzle fit. He had a meeting before he talked to Charlie about a gig. He had another meeting the other day most probably to finalize everything. That's what they were talking about with Jimmy at the hospital. That's why he had been avoiding me. He didn't want to have to tell me but what did he think? That I wouldn't realise he was gone or would he wait to tell me on his last day at the airport? Damn it Harry, why? Fucking shit, this is shit! Love me, be with me he said. What a load of bullshit. Why didn't he tell me before we invested in this, before we even started this, before I fell for him, before I loved him.

"Ten fifty" the taxi driver says and I am back to reality.I pay him and move to my car sitting at the lot opposite Harry's building unaware if I will ever be here again. I get in and sit behind the wheel and it dawns on me. He is leaving and there is nothing I can do about it. This is his career. He wanted this, fought for it, hell he even fucked someone for it. Who am I to get in his way? He has a sister and a niece with a condition who need him. This is what he wanted, what he has worked so hard for. What he deserves. He wouldn't just quit for me and why would he? I would never let him anyway but he is guilty. Not because he is pursuing this, he would be a fool not to, but for making me love him, for telling he loved me but was leaving me, for not telling me of his plans. I don't even need to switch my phone off. I know he won't try to call; first because he will be working and second because he knows better. I mean he didn't bother to call me when I was sick at home, why would he do this now right?

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