Chapter 20

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"Genius! That Styles guy is seriously genius! Pulled the best stunt ever!" Brenda kept saying in the car next to me.

"Liam Payne takes home the prize but everyone is talking about Styles and how he surprised them by walking away from a definite win" she continued just as I was stopping outside her house. Although I was eager to get rid of her unstoppable blubbering, she wouldn't have it.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked. "You haven't said a word all night" she whined getting out of the car.

"Em, no. I'm OK" I said not convincing her.

"I hope you don't come down with something" she said pointing her finger. "I need your piece by tomorrow morning"

"Fine Brenda" I agreed in an attempt to be by myself sooner.

I said goodnight and as soon as I was back on the street I was once again lost in my thoughts, the incidents of the evening replaying in my head like reruns of a movie on Christmas day. The truth is that what happened hadn't quite sunk in. Harry just walked away. He was standing there and then he wasn't. He walked like walked away with his legs, walked, one foot after the other. Away. Away from what he seemed to want so much. Why? It didn't make any sense. Why would he give it up like that? It was in the bag. Mind you I was ecstatic that he did but still. I wish I could read his mind.

Approaching my apartment I realised I didn't even know how I got there, if I stopped at the red lights, if I had followed basic traffic rules. The fact that I hadn't hit anything or anyone for that matter was a miracle. After a much needed shower that would thankfully help me clear my head I went to bed and surprise the shower was shit at helping. Chrys had texted to let me know that she went to grab a bite with the others and asked if I wanted anything, my sweet, sweet friend but I declined. Actually I wouldn't be able to hold anything inside. I was tensed, stressed even and I didn't know why.

"I guess we'll never know" his deep voice echoed in the labyrinth that was my brain. My breath hitched at remembering. I felt surprised, taken aback. Proud. I felt proud for him choosing the long path, for rejecting the easy way out, for rejecting being labeled the guy who "fucked his way to the top" forgive my crudeness.

"When you set out for distant Ithaca,

fervently wish your journey may be long,

full of adventures and with much to learn

Fervently wish your journey may be long.

May they be numerous - the summer mornings
when, pleased and joyous, you will be anchoring

in harbours you have never seen before"

And Harry darling you did just that. You chose the long journey, you chose the adventure, integrity intact. You were not afraid of the Laestrygones and the Cyclopes, or of the angry god Poseidon and for that I was proud. With this thought I was finally able to drift to sleep.

The next morning Chrys found me typing my piece of the article frantically.

"What the fuck are you doing at ..." she looked at her watch and continued "six twenty seven in the morning"

"Morning to you, too" I answered without even looking at her. "I needed to finish this"

"Apparently" she chuckled just as I was brief reading.

"I am texting Jimmy and Ed to see if they want to get breakfast at The Corner café. Want to come?" I asked turning my head to acknowledge her for the first time.

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