Chapter 36

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Hello everyone, sorry for the long wait but work got in the way. Hopefully I will be able to update sooner from now on. Keeping my fingers crossed. If you are enjoying this then vote and comment. By the way a huge thank you to @ConstantStar for being so bloody sweet. Thank you to all of you x. We are close to 40K I think and for a reason I am unaware of I seem to have more than 300 followers wtaf? Btw have a nice summer to those of you who are on breaks or are on holidays xxx

@PoisedPen @dontbeadisaster Hi!

Filia xx


The minute I open my eyes I know that it's really early in the morning and glancing at my phone on the beside-table reading 5:42 am confirms it. I don't know why but I have never been able to comfortably sleep in a hotel room no matter how fancy or luxurious it is. I guess it takes some kind of adjustment on my part to feel at ease in a new environment but what I really don't need to adjust to is the feeling of being with Harry again. Everything last night seemed so familiar, so natural, so normal. I am not naïve, nor stupid. I am more than certain that Harry has been with other women in the past year even though I haven't been with anyone myself but our union, the way we touched each other, the way we filled each other when we were one felt like reading your favourite story all over again getting to your favourite part feeling contentment and bliss, it felt like a glorious sunset and a calming sunrise all at once. The euphoria that took over our bodies when we made love was overwhelming making my eyes water, surfacing a kind of pleasure that I had missed so very much.

Looking at Harry sleeping peacefully definitely ranks among the top ten things I like doing with him. His long hair a tidy mess framing his angelic face. His features in hibernation, calm and serene, his eyelashes like heavy curtains gifting him a series of dreams that I only hoped were beautiful ones. His lips, oh those gorgeous lips guilty of my gratifying moans and countless sighs pouting even in this sleeping phase. I couldn't help but chuckle a bit thankfully not waking him up.

Yes watching Harry sleep is absolutely one of my favourite things.

"You mean so much to me Ella"

"I missed you"

"I missed us"

"Baby you feel so good"


"You are beautiful"

"You are so much more beautiful than I remember"

"I missed how you feel around me"

"God you are so sexy"

"You have no idea what you mean to me"

"You don't know how incredible you are"


"This feels so fucking good"

"Do you like this baby? Have you missed me?"


"Have you missed me inside of you?"

"Ella you are amazing"

"God I don't want this to fucking end"

I have never been a person to initiate dirty talk, actually I am shit at it because It makes me feel extremely out of place but I would be lying if I said that I didn't enjoy it when it was coming from Harry expressing how our lovemaking made him feel. I can feel my cheeks blushing at the reminiscence.

The truth was that I had missed him, I did like what we were doing and I surely didn't want that to fucking end either. However the realization that we only had one more day together didn't allow the bliss to continue. I extend my arm and push some of his curls back so that I can absorb his radiance a little bit more. I let my fingers wander and caress his body drinking him in, now that I could. I kiss his cheek and very carefully get up.

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