Chapter 38

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"I am sorry Sir, I need to go, I am not feeling very well" I raise my hand and tell the professor as soon as he grants me permission to speak.

"You can go Ella" he gestures for me to leave the class not really caring but hoping I don't distract the others from the lecture.

"Thank you sir" I reply feeling my phone vibrating in my pocket. The minute I am outside I reject the call and make a call of my own.

"Hey Jim. Are you home? I'm coming over" I don't even pay attention to whatever he is saying. The only thing that matters is that he is home and I can go there and vent before I talk to Harry. Maybe Jimmy can talk some sense to me, help me understand, explain it to me.

On my way there Brenda's words seem to replay in my head.

"Tell him I say hi!"

"He is very skillful".

OMG. The idea of Harry touching her, kissing her, being with her is revolting. I hate her and he knows it. Why would he do that to me and the fact that my phone has been ringing non stop verifies what she has hinted. I know we weren't together for almost a year but how would this happen. I am certain this didn't happen while we were together so this only means that it either happened in Florence which I very much doubt or it happened here during Harry's break when I was in France with the student exchange program. Fuck my life! Or in this case he fucked Brenda because that smirk and that wink she gave me were definitely the result of a certain equation.  Harry had slept with her. And she was rubbing it in my face.

I can't fucking believe this shit right now! I know I have no right to be angry because this happened when we weren't together but shit it hurts so bloody much that he would sleep with her of all people. It almost feels as bad as if he slept with Charlie. Oh my God! He said they when he talked about other women in the past year. I hope he hadn't slept with Charlie too. It doesn't matter who he has been with, we weren't together but it does matter. It doesn't make any sense. My mind is going crazy. Brenda and Harry together. His hands on her body. His mouth on her skin. How could he taint what we have with her. He knows how much I fucking hate her. I can't deal with this right now.

I stop outside Jimmy's building and I don't even have the patience to wait for the lift. I run up the stairs like I'm going to miss the god damn train and there won't be another one for the next I don't know sixty years. Open up Jim, open up. I knock on the door furiously and after a few moments Jimmy opens the beige door with the golden handle sleepily wearing only black boxers.

"Have you any idea what time...?"

"I don't care" I answer.

"...I slept?" he finishes.

"Come in" he says when he realises that I am extremely upset.

"What's wrong?" he says closing the door behind us moving to the coffee maker taking out the used filter reaching for a new one from the top shelf.

"Your folks OK?" he turns to examine me.

"Yeah" I say pacing the small space.

"What did he do?" he says scratching his chest lazily adding coffee in the machine, switching it on waiting for the dark liquid to help with his sleepy state.

"He fucked a girl I hate" I say crudely taking the phone from my pocket who already has numerous unread texts and missed calls.

"When?" Jimmy turns to me alarmed at my revelation.

"Does it matter?" I huff exasperated.

"Of course it does. If you weren't together I couldn't possibly punch him for that" he says in a serious tone.

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