Chapter 34

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Thank you so much for being so unbelievably kind with this story. Your comments and votes make my day and I have been so bloody stressed at work lately and this has been my release, my escape. So thank you for being supportive and lovely. This story goes to my friend Christiana who was my roommate back in the day and has been a dear friend ever since(blatantly honest but solid as a rock whenever you need her). Additionally I would like to thank ConstantStar for being so sweet and all of you who read but do not write so you don't expect anything in return but you still drop a line and comment making our day. If you like this story press the star and comment. Thank you so very veeeeeeeeery much


 "Chase?" I look at him both amused and surprised at the same time.

"Yeah. Gemma seems to mention him quite a lot" he seems annoyed even pronouncing his name. 

"He is one of us now, Harry" I inform him and his face falls.

"So I've been replaced in the group, ha?" he smiles weakly.

"Never!" I protest immediately.

"You could never be replaced, Harry. We miss you terribly" I say looking at him puzzled. Why would he think that. Does he think so little of us?

"What about you?"

"What about me?" I question.

"Have you replaced me?" he asks shyly. No one would think he is this famous successful model if they saw him now.

"Do you miss me?" he continues. 

I don't know what the appropriate answer is to such a question. I cannot believe he is asking me this when his girlfriend opened the door for me half naked for God's sake just a few hours ago. She lives with him. Is it proper to tell the truth. Should I tell him how I really feel about him? Should I be vague. Damn you Styles for confusing me to no end. 

"Of course I miss you Harry" and yes, it's official I have no fucking chill. I admit to missing him like a silly cow. I just avoid his eyes because I know that if I get lost in that forest I will never find my way back, no breadcrumbs will show me the way home and the wicked witch will get me.

"And no you haven't been replaced. Chase is just an addition to the gang, not my addition but an addition nonetheless" I tell him and dare to steal a glance catching him grinning. 

"He is just a friend nothing more" I clear. Although part of me wanted to lie and pretend that there was something going on between Chase and I -in an attempt to save what little pride and dignity I have left- I decide against it. 

"When Gemma mentioned him I assumed you two were an item" he explains fiddling with his keys that were forgotten on the table, suddenly becoming an object of interest.

"No, we aren't. You pretty much scared him off back then" I chuckle. 

"He knew I have a thing for you. Had a thing for you" I correct myself rather clumsily.

"I hated him to be honest" he pauses "back then, I mean " he clarifies taking a sip from his green tea which is way too cold by now. I can tell he is a bit uncomfortable but I guess it is understandable. We do have a history together and a pretty passionate one. 

"I hated him because...because he was good for you and...and he wanted you, I mean any fool could see that" he states.

"You saw him once Harry. How could you possibly know and yes he flirted with me but it wasn't reciprocated so he got the point. He is really nice and funny and he is one of us now. You'd like him" I defend him.

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