Chapter 3

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Thank you so much for reading and voting. This goes to @scooby-snacks for not torturing us at all with her stories and @hesinstripes for being her favourite ;)


" this Harry?" I sounded a bit awkward.


"Hi..this is Ella, Jimmy gave me your number for an interview for the uni newspaper?" I asked shyly.

"Yeah...right" he replied and I detected a hint of enthusiasm.

"So when can you meet?" I continued thinking of dates in my head.

"Em about this afternoon?" he suggested and I figured he probably wanted to get it over with which suited me perfect. I would finish the article way sooner than I thought meaning more time for the other assignments which were a lot more demanding.

"Great! Where should we meet?" I thought about different possibilities only to hear him say that he would rather meet at his flat at six pm. He texted me his address and when I was off the line I was left stunned by the depth and warmth of his voice. I had always felt that a man's voice could say a lot about someone and his voice was certainly one of a kind. Deep, slow, seductive with a certain sweetness. Impressive!

"You are not going to meet Harry fucking Styles in that" Chrys scolded me.

"What's wrong with what I am wearing" I asked her looking down at my jeans, boots, and low cut shirt.

"Everything" she didn't hesitate to say her mind.

"What you have on is simple and plain" she remarked giving me a look of disapproval.

"I am going to interview him not ask him to marry me...Jesus!" I exclaimed but she didn't back down.

She was aware I was not interested in him in any way other than to write an article about him. She knew that my previous relationship ended badly and I wanted some time to recover, some time to rediscover myself and even if I wanted to look for something else I wouldn't be looking towards someone like Harry or Jimmy who had so many girls at their feet every night. I would go for something simpler, something milder, I had a lot of drama in my previous relationship to last me a lifetime. Jimmy was a very cool guy and Harry must have been the same if Jimmy vouched for him but I wasn't interested for anything like that but I guess friends were always welcome. Yes, he was beautiful, yes he looked interesting but I couldn't care less. My ex was striking too but if I had learnt one thing from him was that looks shouldn't be a criterion in any relationship so despite Chrys's distaste for my current outfit I didn't change it. I felt good and carefree so I gathered my notes, my messenger bag, my scarf and keys and headed out. I found the building quite easily. It was in the town centre just a block behind the popular cafes, the shopping centre and some trendy bars. It was a beautiful area, filled with light, life and zest. I parked at the lot opposite the building which cost me 5 fucking euros I might add but the building's parking lot was reserved for residents only.

I pressed the intercom and soon I was buzzed in seconds. As soon as the lift arrived at the floor the short narrow corridor lit up by the door that Harry opened to let me in. He was barefoot on the beige carpeted floor with a pair of dark jeans and a plain white t-shirt. His long brown hair framed his handsome face and his plump red lips moved to welcome me.

"Hi..." he said smiling dimples in full display.

"Hi...I am Ella" I said confidently and offered him my hand before I even went in. He took my hand but instead of shaking it he just lightly pulled me in the flat and when I was in he closed the door behind me. Not letting my hand go he gave me a brief hug and I could feel his eyes observing me, blatantly,but I didn't mind.

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